BBC History - WWII Page

A page created by the BBC (British Broadcasting Corp.) that gives you timelines of the war. Bios of historic figures, programs through BBC, a D-day Clockwatch, which allows you to track the Allied invasion’s progress, with snapshot headlines as they happened on that historic day. And much much more. excellent site for anyone who’s interested.


I haven’t read the BBC’s site, but based on my experience of the BBC, they are ususally pushing their own (distinctly left wing republican) political agenda. Bear this in mind when reading their material. On historical sources, this may well not be the case, but forewarned is forearmed.

Seriously! I mostly rely for my uptodate information from BBC and I have been very surprised that when reading from their World News, they seem to have very little opinion (too little in fact). Compared to a few other news stations which in their reports contains a bit of the authors opinions, BBC, is just plain facts.

Regarding the reliability of the BBC:

I have yet to see another mainstream news website anywhere near as good. Admittedly, they provide a left-liberal outlook, but it’s not half as bad as some like to think, and once you’re used to it you can easily filter out what is opinion and what is fact. It’s not perfect, but far from Pravda (or Fox News).

Every political persuasion in Britain thinks the BBC are against them - Thatcher thought they were raving communists, the left (the real left, not the poncey liberals) think they are capitalist perpetuators of oppression.

Quite right SMLE. They are better than all the rest!