Being British isn't so bad

If you are British are you proud to be so?

Here’s a little something ‘to get you going!’ :slight_smile:

If you’re Johnny Foreigner what makes you proud of your homeland?

Note: Somewhat NSFW!

Um are you trying to turn me into a lesbeian.:wink:

Why dont you stage it in RS underpants thread, It will be one of the best.

A bit confusing for me.

Until the Nationality and Citizenship Act of 1948 came into force in January 1949, Australians were all British subjects.

I was born later in 1949, so my parents were born here as British subjects and were British subjects when they conceived me, but I wasn’t born British.

However, my involuntary and impressive response to the luscious Kathy in suspender belts and stockings* demonstrates that I am still British to the core.:wink: And, at my age, I’m proud of my rigidly British response. :smiley:

Are you trying to indicate that Kathy is NSFW (not where I work :D), or that in your present state you aren’t. :smiley:

*I mean Kathy was wearing the suspender belt and stockings, not me. I’m not a British MP or Anglican bishop or Max Mosley or anything peculiarly British like that. :smiley:

Being that I’m not convinced that you are a female, as you state you are, I have no convictions regarding your sexual preference. However, perhaps if you posted a picture of yourself, in pants, on RS’s pants thread we might be able to decide. :wink:

What’s in my underpants very definitely will not turn any sheila into a lesbian. Although it might turn a lesbian into a sheila.

There is no room to stage anything in my oversized Kevlar underpants as they are already straining to contain my thousand volt love pump.


Not my note.

What does NSFW mean?

Not Suitable For Work.

A warning not view at work as it might offend the firm’s internet usage policy.

As distinct, in the lovely Kathy’s case, from not being eminently suitable on the job. :wink: :smiley:

Umm, wouldn’t pants tend to conceal the most convincing evidence of being a sheila?

We’re after the map of Tassie here, not the map of Trinidad. :smiley:

Not Suitable For Work?

I can’t think of anything more suitable. :slight_smile:

They didn’t hide Kathy’s :wink:

Tassie? :slight_smile: How quaint! :smiley:

And it is precisely that “can do”, and “will do anywhere”, attitude which made Britain great.

You don’t get the biggest and best empire ever by shrinking from the job. :wink:

The Jack is flying full-mast…why should Britain tremble?..The sun never sets on the Empire! :smiley:

Which is why my generation of schoolchildren peered with pride at our Collins school atlases where most of the globe was Empire pink.

Although we weren’t aware at the time that rather less pink ink was required on the then current and coming atlases. :frowning:

Everything passes into history.

I was standing on the pavement outside the Red Lion on the Duke of York Street, without about forty chaps, the other day. It was one of those rare crisp, autumn days with the sun shining brightly. As I looked up, there was the Union Jack, flying proudly in the bright sunshine from the top of a neighbouring building "The sun never sets on the Empire!’ I remarked, it raised a few chuckles but everyone raised their glasses - and then called for another round. :smiley:

A few days ago I was lunching with some blokes where we amused ourselves with comparisons of how Germany to some extent and Japan to almost every extent achieved their WWII economic aims under Marshall Plan notions, and how this was beautifully satirised in The Mouse That Roared.

We also bemoaned the fact that Britain and its Empire / Commonwealth bore the brunt of the extended war in two world wars (without ignoring France’s primacy as the most affected militarily and civilly in the first war and the early stages of the second war), and that Britain buggered itself in two steps in two wars and ended up paying off Lend Lease for decades when the rest of the world which didn’t want to be under Axis control should have been bloody grateful to Britain for making a stand at its own considerable expense which has never been repaid by the nations it saved from the Axis heel.

Things may pass into forgetfulness, but those who study history might think that Britain got the shabby end of the stick in two world wars and bore too much of the cost of both.

There are many youngsters today, seeking direction, who are now beginning to appreciate the past.

Onwards and upwards, marra! :smiley:

Onwards and upwards, old chap. :smiley:

That is very true here.

We’re getting past the seventies bearded (not all male :wink: ) radical teacher bullshit which by the eighties produced texts and study guides which referred to solidiers as ‘harm workers’, FFS!

Those smug bearded drones would have been teaching in Japanese, if they’d survived or been allowed to be conceived, but for the ‘harm workers’ who saved this and other countries from the Axis.

A lot of school children here now seem to have a sense of wonderment about what their forebears did, perhaps because it is so foreign to anything in their comfortable experience.

Recent events; Olympics, Afghanistan and even the publicity which modern day explorers are receiving is beginning to have a more positive effect here.

Shackleton continues to inspire:


The classified ad above is allegedly from Ernest Shackleton (1874-1922), the invincible Antarctic explorer whose fame
came from his expeditions – none of them successful – to reach the South Pole.

Wonderful! :slight_smile:

South - now this is what one calls a feat:

I would do it but is it against the rules for a member too exspose there naked half naked body, Im not stupid, i cant afford an other infriction.
Other wise i would. hehehehe.