Belgium Massacre - Dramatic Photos | Gallery

Belgium Massacre

Belgian Civilians massacred (shot to death) by the Germans. --September 1944, Luxembourg, Belgium. (jungleguerilla)

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Care to elaborate? Luxembourg or Belgium?

I understand this needs some explaining.Belgium had in 1944 nine provinces.The most southern of these is called Luxemburg(Flemish pronounciation)or Luxembourg(in French).Next to the province of Luxemburg(Belgium) is another (very small) country also called Luxembourg.Greetz,Brummbar(Flemish speaking Belgian from the province Vlaams-Brabant)To be correct;now Belgium counts 10 provinces:the province of Brabant(as it was called in 1944)has now been divided in 2 parts:Vlaams-Brabant(=Flemish speaking part) and Waals-Brabant(=French speaking part) and in the middle of this you find Brussels,our capital.VERY complicated for non-Belgians.Even for us it’s sometimes confusing!!:wink: