best american tank of world war 11

what do u thinks the best tank tell me what u think and vote in the poll i want to see what u ww11 fans comments and vote in the poll and have a great day

Please stop posting random polls, and whenever you do, you keep missing things… Just… Please stop…

im just bored i have nothing to do i dont kk

Well, you can stop spamming the forum with drivel for starters. If you continue posting pointless, mindless polls you WILL be treated like a spammer.

Try searching and reading more, posting less…

There are plenty of threads here still open on US (and everyone elses’) tanks…

If you want to comment on a closed, archived thread, just PM one of the mods and we’ll open it up for discussion…

The Chaffee was the M24 not the M4, and the M18 was a Tank Destroyer not a tank…:roll:

But it was still technically a tank.

No. It was, like a tank, an armored fighting vehicle (AFV). But in a specialist role and not exactly a tank with its open top and thin armor. However, the M36 “Slugger” Jackson came pretty close to bluring the line between a tank destroyer and a tank…

American Tank destroyers differ from German in that they had a turret. However the doctrine was that their use was very different from Tanks. However as with most things in war, what happened in the field was very different. Both sides Tank Destroyers ended up fighting in different roles.

As an aside, how can a poll for the best US Tank not list the Pershing (however short its deployment).

There! I’ve bumped three threads. Go to town!