'Best of' threads - can all read and respond please?

Just a quick question since not many people seem to be responding to the ‘Best tank’ and ‘Best fighter’ threads - I’ve got a few more that we could debate if people are interested, if they’re not, we’ll just finish the two ongoing ones and leave it there.

Vote away ladies (do we have any?) and gents.

It would be a shame to see this one go. But your right, there doesnt seem to be much interest in it.

Strange that as if you type in - What if, or say that the Harley McDonald Springloaded Boar gun was an assault rifle - you get no end of replies.

Personally, I’d like it to stay. I’m still ruminating over the Comet one too. Interesting match up that.

TBH - I enjoy writing them, because I’m learning a lot from the research. I’ll keep the tanks and fighters ones going (new fighter one should be done at some point today, but I’m on duty so it might not) till they end, we’ll see about new ones though.

I have found the “best of” threads interesting. Of course it is impossible to actually determine which “xxx” actually is the best, as long as the thread stays on topic it hs proven to be an interesting way to present information and compare what you thought you knew with other points of view and relative facts.

I like reading them, but i personally am not that well informed with the technical aspects of comparing each weapon system, also it’s difficult to compare some weapon systems i.e. which was the best fighter? well what do you want it to do etc, x was the best at this role and y was better at this role. In the end it usually comes down to personal preference, nationality(i.e. my country’s kit is better than yours) and what people know more about.


you should have added battle statistics and gun armor penetration, it would have helped, and thus made it more interesting. but other than that… ehhh its more like guessing

Its very difficult, specifications, battle order, strategic use, etc.
But interesting… :arrow:

Keep them going & DON’T add more information - that way one has to do some research of ones own in order to make a reasoned choice.

Too many expect everything to be done for them these days & that’s laziness.

Good call Topor, some questions are only asked out of utter idleness.

LOL, this post isnt getting hits either!!! :smiley: Ok ok just kidding around…geesh!

Ummm, when you start a topic for the ‘best of’ anything, its nice to have educated statements on why in the replies. For the most part on other forums i visit when one of these topics starts up the majority of the replies are based on ‘favorites’ backed with very little research or solid proof. It turns into a ‘my dad can beat up your dad’ festival, that is not to say that nothing good can come out of it.

My big difficulty is the random selection of each pair. Sorry, BDL.

I’d find more point to these threads if the pairs of weapons systems were LIKELY to have been opposed in action, or actually were.

This would necessarily mean some prolific designs, or marks thereof, appearing quite often.

In the case of the fighter and tanks threads that is my main problem.

Viz. The Maus never saw service and was barely mobile, putting it against the Firefly is just silly.

In the case of the tanks, and despite the 8th Army’s overweening wish to have tank on tank battles only, until late 1942, this really was a rare event. Anti-Tank tactics involved AT guns and field and medium art’y.

And tanks have very little top armour.

Nevertheless, here are some comparisons I’d find ‘valid’.

The PZKw III Special (long 50 and spaced armour) against a LEE/ Grant. Maybe even a MkIV Special with a 75/43!?

A late WWII Japanese tank, issued to the Manchurian army, against a t34/85.

A 75mm armed Churchill against a Tiger1 firing DOWN on the Tiger. As happened in Tunisia. Ouch!!!

A JSIII against a Tiger 11, or a Tiger 1, to give the Jerries half a chance.

A Pershing m26 against a late-model Panther.

A Comet with a short 17pder and thus APDS (aka the 77mm) against a late Panther.

A t34/85 " " " " " ".

A kV1 against, a ‘short 50mm’ armed PzIII

A Matilda II against any 1940 PzKw.

A Cruiser A9 " " " "

A BT7 against a PzIII with the 37mm gun.

A Czech 38T against a Somua.

A Firefly up against a PzKw-IVJ

A 6pder armed Crusader against a PzIII with a short 50.

AND let’s give each pair of them a decent distance to travel on their tracks before getting into action. BTAgain lots of the allied tanks won’t have an opponent if we do that, will they?!
