Best small arm of WWII

What is most important, the depth of the river or the wetness of the water ?

And what is more stupid ?

you trying desperately to be more smart that everybody or this poll ?

This topic has been done over and over again.

By the way In the first option I choose you.

I think that might be what Cuts was getting at, along with questions about which weapon was best being rather pointless as nothing wins hands down in all circumstances.

Irritation with some empty “what was best” questions led me to start the “Who had the most powerful underpants in WWII?” thread

Initially I thought Cuts was heading in a related direction as I misread his thread title as “Best short arm of WWII”. :smiley:

(For the uninitiated, ‘short arm’ was a WWII term for the male generative organ, as in ‘short arm inspection’ where short arms are presented for inspection for signs of VD.)

Getting shit hurts! Irregardless of the nationality of the bullets…

Glad to see a sense of humour.
(Or indeed humor. :wink: )

I wold be glad to see a sense of humour.
(Or indeed humor. :wink: )

Oooof! :lol:

And sometimes I do use the u in rumour, armour, etc…

I am close to Canada you know.

It’s times like this, that I feel honoured to have someone like Nick so close to my home town! :wink:

I wold be glad to see a sense of humour.
(Or indeed humor.

I am a person with good sence of homour but there would be no humour with you, only disgust,.that is the way I deal with the people who feel comtemp for everybody.

Are you sure you and 1000yds stare are british army veterans ??

Is that the quality of person ? is that the character that let you that institution?

I have my serious doubts that you ever picked up something more dangerous than a glass beer bottle in your hands.

By the way your signature does not impress me faggot, is just another confirmation ( if needed) of the you bad attitude and shitty messed up character.

Awwww !
How sweet, a tantrum ! :smiley:
Do I hear the stamping of tiny feet ?

But please let me answer your post in it’s constituent parts:

You may well be a person with a good sense of humour, I sincerely hope you are.
It would be most entertaining if you could share it with us.

Don’t think I’ll be losing much sleep over that. :slight_smile:

You may deal with people however your brain tells you to young man, but to claim that I feel contempt for everybody is both inaccurate and stupid.


Not precisely sure what you mean here, but if you are asking if we are representative of members of the British Army then perhaps so.
Some of the many qualities that tend often to show through with Brit squaddies of all ranks include:

  • A sense of humour that is often self-deprecating.
  • An ability to see the funny side of anything.
  • An inability to suffer fools gladly.
  • A dogged determination to follow things through to their natural conclusion.

Not entirely sure what you mean by this comment either, but are you on day release from your institution ?

Your doubts or otherwise about the level of my skills are of singular unimportance to me, it should only be of your concern if you became a soldier


like that could ever happen ! :lol: :lol: :lol:’

Which part of my signature causes you so much distress ?
Please let me know, I’m all agog.

Signed off, with all the respect due to you,

Oh come, come young man !
There’s no grounds for being rude.

Um, yeah, PK…

What’s with the rudeness…

How dare you call Cuts a carcinogenic stick of nicotine?

Uncalled for!

Sorry Nick, you got beaten by the English language again! A Cigarette is always a “Fag”, never a “Faggot”. A “Faggot” is either a bundle of sticks tied up with string or a rather tasty form of meatball.

I haven’t heard that one before, but it does cast a certain light on the source of the American usage. :smiley:

Ah…Never a dull moment in the forums!

I just got the recipe…:shock:

Beats Haggis :smiley:

Every dam time I log off, and go home, there is always a cool Kat fight happening on this forum. I don’t know if it’s the time differrence or whatever, but when I am on, there is hardley any movement, except in the morning. For the consideration of those that work 9 to 5, if your gonna fight, could you at least fight when I am at work, so I can tune into the “Drama”.Dag dam!:army:

Are you sure you and 1000yds stare are british army veterans ??


If so I am surprized, honestly I believed the british army with such long tradition formed better kind of persons, but I guess assholes you can find in any army.

Rude ?

when you got a signature specifically designed to anoy other member you should not wait for any sweetness. For sure I will not dispplay any sweeteness.
If that is a show of your “british homour” I must say british humour suck, and you too.

The British Army, unlike the Argentinian one, was somewhat engaged in world shattering military activities during WWII over a good part of the planet while Argentina covertly supported the Nazis before duplicitously declaring war on them a couple of months before the end of the war when Argentina saw which way the wind was blowing.

It may be that the typical dogged and defiant British resolution in the face of overwhelming adversity, which Brits displayed long before and during WWII, forms the kind of persons they are and the kinds of persons their army produces.

If they’re assholes, you won’t find a better set of assholes on the planet.

Cuts’s signature is humorous.

Yours is Nazi fascist and disturbingly serious, which might annoy those of us of a more liberal outlook. But we haven’t complained about it, so you have no grounds to whinge about Cuts’ signature.

How about displaying some Argentinian humour, so that the rest of us can judge the difference?

HEY!..I never knew what a signature was, but now I do. I created my own signature. Took me awhile, but I feel it fits me.What do You guys think?..Do you like my new signature!!