best US armored divisions

My pick is 4th armored. Abrams rocked.

2nd and 3rd armored are also good.

2nd armored infantry normandy, 1944


Have you any other reasons to like these divisions?

i perfer the well off equipped 3rd armour division 8)

Better, still a bit wooly but at least you have a reason.

third armor probably destroyed the most enemy materials /troops in the US forces. unfortunately, they also suffered excessive losses. In “deathtraps” their armor regiments suffered 580 % losses, with is a loss of 1,400 tanks…

I like fourth armored the best because of Abrams and their destruction of the half-trained emergency panzer brigades. This is probably the best allied armor confrontation of the war. the shermans destroyed around 100 enemy panzers, mostly panthers with the loss of 20 shermans… This battle was one of the few times where the germans loss more tanks then the americans. Abrams himself was an armored ace, with the most kills in the ETO, 50.

Whats the bett that half of the 3rd division losses was friendly fire, the U.S.A is well known for their killing of their owne soldiers :frowning:

friendly fire happens to both sides, but the shape of a sherman is very different from a panzer IV.

Well done everybody especially you Hosenfeld, now we’re debating!!!

You get the 1000ydstare badge of goodness H!!!

I will put you up for a medal!!! as soon as I am a Sgt Maj.

Keep up the good work. 7 out of 10 for effort. 10 out of 10 for achievement.

Care Bear Stare

In theory friendly fire was way worse coming from the American side, even today in Iraq a group of americans were recently killed from an american mortar.

why? why do you assume americans are more prone to friendly fire?

They bomb and dont plan :lol: , but through the 20th century USA has expirienced real bad friendly fire.
I remember my grandfather telling me that when i was little, he worked with Americans that had lost many friends from friendly fire.

then your talking about air bombing in ww2. very, very few tanks have been destroyed by carpet bombing.

Not just carpet bombing, but Artillery,tanks, grenades, even flame throwers have accidently killed a comrade.

so americans are more stupid then germans. they are more likely to kill their own men with artillery, tanks, grenades, and especially flamethrowers:)

Where did you get this “info”?

This is true buddy i know :wink: , my grandfather, my father, even discovery channels, the Americans are the worst with friendly fire.

On the National Geographic there was this american flame thrower that flamed 5 of his mates in a bunker !!!
Of course no country is perfect and every coutnry has experienced the unfournitate case of friendly fire, but the USA have suffered the worse.

what nationality is your grandfather? just curious. I know for a fact that the US was careless with air bombardment in ww2. but as of other arms, I don’t think that the "friendly fire "mistakes were as much. especially when it came to armored warfare. besides teh panzer IV looking a lot different from a sherman, both the panther, tiger I, Royal tiger were practically twice as big.

My grandfather was English/british.

so what exactly did your grandfather say about US friendly fire then?

Well he was a man of great knowledge, basically what he was saying that the Americans were the Worse in Friendly Fire incidents for alot of different Wars. and he was just telling me how hes father and so on worked with the americans in world war 1 and expirienced the usa engaged in alot of “Friendly Fire”.
My grandfather himself said he’s american friend lost a whole squad from artillery friendly fire in 1944.
There was one case in 1945 where an american bomber killed 3 people and 2 were his owne cousins…that is really sad.

i believe the prelude bombardment before operation goodwood killed/wounded 900 friendlies and 900 enemy. but this is bombardment in ww2. the allies had artillery and air supremacy. this things are bound to happen more on the allied side. but if the situation was reversed, the german would probably have the same problems

however, i don’t think the rate of friendly fire is higher in armored warfare, shooting, flamethrowers, etc.