Best WW2 computer game

OK, here’s one for the gamesters!

I suppose there are a number of different varieties, but here goes:

Best tactics/strategy game: Close Combat 2. In terms of gameplay and variety, CC3 is better but the historical context doesn’t fit well. CC4 and CC5 are further gameplay improvements, but fighting over the same battlefield many times gets boring.

Best first-player shoot-em-up: Hidden and Dangerous 2. You have a 4 man team. Your own team, which you equip and command yourself. Not a Call of Duty “follow my leader” linear game path. You plan the attack yourself and can switch between viewpoints and issue orders. And you aim through proper iron sights, not a wimpy computer screen crosshair! Best of all, one round often kills you and there is none of this picking up convenient “health” nonsense!

I have enjoyed CC2 for many years and have reinstalled it again. The only mod I have got to work is the GSJ for CC5.

The only first person I have used is Counter Strike, but am pissed off with people killing me with a head shot using a pistol from across the board. The lack of concealment also narks my infantry mentality. Must not forget the invincibility of the AK47 and its accuracy.

edited to add more venom.

Battlefield 1942

I vote for Blitzkrieg!

That game was all sorts of awsome. THen half my server lists went black on me and I could only play on like 5 servers out of every 30. Dunno So I got back into CoD:UO. 8)

Combat mission is fairly good, Coy to Bn level tactical simulator. Basic units are sections/squads. The gameplay is fairly realistic viewed from a 3D mode, you can zoom in/out and move the camera around. And for once most aspects of real war are realised. For example your section can hide behind a wooden wall but that won’t stop HMG fire from affecting you. Furthermore, real tactics work! If you plan a proper Platoon Attack using the 7 questions format (you actually have to be quite sad to go this far but i have a lot of time on my hands) it usually works out. Also you get indirect mortar/artillery fire off board as well as on board. Truly a totally tactical game that really recreates WW2 era warfare (though the graphics aren’t too fab, but gameplay makes up for it) at that level. A good game for all those budding Patton’s/Montgomery’s/Rommel’s

Scaley, have you ever managed to get inside the computer’s OODA loop?

Scaley, have you ever managed to get inside the computer’s OODA loop?


I’m sorry old chap but i have no idea what you’re on about :shock:

I felt like joining in with gratuitous army-isms. The OODA loop is a way of describing the decision making cycle. It stuck in my head because of the really really good video we were shown in during MTQ2, which didn’t at all look like it was made in the 80s out of leftovers from other training videos. And because ‘OODA loop’ sounds funny.

O bserve - look at what the enemy is doing
O rientate - determine how it affects your actions
D ecide - choose your course of action
A ct - execute the chosen course of action

The length of the OODA loop is how long it takes to perform one cycle. If your OODA loop is shorter than the enemy’s, you will gain the initiative because you act first - you will be ‘inside his OODA loop’. The best example of this is in the Battle of France, where the French generals issued orders to units that reflected the situation on the ground up to 24 hours previously, giving rise to units that had been wiped out ordered to defend positions that were already behind the German advance.

Wow! That’s quite a long post, considering that the in the previous one I was just going for a bit of an in-joke. D’oh!

cc2 is not world war 2 game though
i like battlefield 1942,

I think you are confusing games, CC2 is Close Combat 2 (A Bridge Too Far)

hey if you play that game, we should play together somtimes

hey if you play that game, we should play together somtimes[/quote]

so sorry,i saw you in pm,i can`t :frowning: ,but if you want to play hoi2 in valkyrienet,i will be waiting :smiley:

oh i forget another great game!!!:

hearts of iron 2

i never heard of the OODA loop, oh dear that’s not very good for a chap whose about to be commissioned! :shock:

I think you are confusing games, CC2 is Close Combat 2 (A Bridge Too Far)[/quote]
oic, haha
never heard of that game, thanks

I have to concur with Close Combat 2. Truly brilliant. Never did get 3 to 5 though.

If they could just make a first person game that models the behaviour of troops like that, instead of predictably crap AI, I’d be a very happy man. I mean, CC2 wasn’t perfect, but at least you could use your machine gun teams to give covering fire as your rifle sections moved into position. Or to stay in cover and there get your mortar to nail the Germans as they cross open ground.

Letting your PIAT’s hide in a three storey building waiting for a Panther to drive past and show his rear armour was also fun. :slight_smile:

Close Combat 4 and 5 allowed the movement of battle groups across the battlefield map. CC4 was good because you had to plan the movement carefully to avoid bottlenecks. I found the points system in CC2/CC3 unrealistic as you could, for example, spend all the points in CC2 on a 17-pdr for the Airborne forces - they certainly weren’t dropped by parachute but may have been borne by glider.