better pay - Colorizations By Users | Gallery

better pay

a group of dude want 2 hv sex coz they knew rape ws illegal so they ask their comandant to pay it

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Where’d you get that story from?

I really don’t care if I’m going to get crucified because of what I’m about to say so here it goes: This poster’s descriptions are only matched in bad quality by his colorizations (this one is probably the least crappy of them all), he has been posting his mediocre work for a long time with no improvement whatsoever. Before any of you post your replies telling me what a twat I am and that I should try to do it myself and that he’s work is “great”, please compare his work with Wehrmacht’s or even CupofJoe’s work (I will leave ZR out because he’s almost a pro). The first 2 members have evolved a lot with their colorizing and you can actually see that they worrie about presenting the best work possible. This “Iron cross” dude is a waste of O2. His either a 10 year old or someone with a serious “lack of attention” problem. I am a strong believer that if one is not going to try is best, defy the known boundaries and ask questions, then don’t even try, and this guy is not even trying. Angry cheers, (not so…) Neutral.

I see what you mean Neutral, has anyone ever offered advice to this poster?
Some of those you mentioned have had lots of advice from people eager to help them improve; perhaps some one could take the time to help this guy.
As for the pic, what is the location?