Beutepanzers : Items Captured By the German Military

If you have any pictures or information on Captured Items of the German Military please post it here.
Here is a captured Sherman British tank captured by the German Military.

If you have any more information please post here. It would be very interesting! Sorry I could not post more.

Soviet KV-1 tank manufactured in 1942 and captured by the Finns in April 1942, displayed in Finnish Tank Museum (Panssarimuseo) in Parola.

I heared in the Gemans army it were the whole regiments armed by the capturing Soviet tanks.Mostly T-34.

Please enjoy


Thank you for the site Dani. It is awesome!

Captured T-34 tank

Captured Crusader Tank

Please post more!

Some info on Captured Tommy-Guns by the German Military.

hi, just wondered why i can’t see the pictures posted by German Soldier. have i got my setting wrong ?
cheers, fantastic site by the way

try to delete temporaly internet files and reload from the site (Ctrl-F5)

Regarding the captured armored veicles. I read that they normally had excessive markings on them. This is becasue they were under constant danger not only from the enemy fire but were prone to atract frendly fire, especialy air strikes, thus crosses all over, also on top of the turret.
It was reported, that the russian captures Panters were atracting some thing like 3 times more fire from german troops compared to other russian tanks on the battlefield.
please watch it is truth

Okay. These are the German Version of captured Allied Tanks. But, I don’t think they are effective against the Allied Armor Divisions. Some of them were upgunned, reinforced their armors, their engines have been changed or even the tracks.

M3 ‘German Stuart’ Light Tank

M4 ‘German Sherman 76mm’ Medium Tank

M4 ‘German Sherman 75mm’ Medium Tank

Mark III ‘German Valentine’ Infantry Tank

Mark IV ‘German Churchill’ Infantry Tank (with Cromwell Turret)

Regards, your friendly neighborhood, Jungleguerilla:slight_smile:

You really need to start less threads and search through the forums more. The poll-topic is overly broad and silly and adds little to the discussion. All nations used their enemies equipment as a short term military necessity or even as a means to field superior equipment to his own. And beutepanzers were less effective than what? German tanks that didn’t exist? What was their alternative? It’s not as if the Heer decided to not produce a Panther so they could field a Stuart. And a captured Sherman in the Firefly or Easy-Eight configuration was more than effective enough against Allied armor, and the Heer fielded whole squadrons of T-34s that are considered to be one of the best overall tanks in history…

Wouldn’t logic dictate that a captured Allied tank used against the same model tank in Allied hands would be equally effective as the Allied tank, assuming both crews were equally capable?

And if they’re upgunned with heavier armour, surely they have the advantage?

I don’t understand or see the point of this poll thread.

And we’re assuming that captured tanks used by the Wehrmacht were merely used against Allied tanks. In fact, they were used for ancillary roles such as reconnaissance, internal security (French-made tanks for instance), and even obsolete battlefield tanks could still be useful as infantry support weapons against enemy infantry and positions. This freed up more modern German designs for use as tank killers and the beutepanzers could augment them in roles, where tanks such as Mark IV, would have been wasted…

And lets not forget, there were Allied units using captured German and Italian equipment.
Classic example is 2 allied armoured regiments equipped with M13/41’s in the Western desert.

Nor, in fairness, can it be said that the German employment of Beutepanzers in WW2 was driven/impelled by the same ethic that had fueled it in WW1.
By WW2, Germany pretty much understood Panzers and the employment thereof.
It was the Allies who had to catch up, “improve their game” so to speak. Eventually, they did so, and once the US and Russian production of vehicles got into full stride, the writing was on the wall for both Germany and Japan.

{{So far, I’m trying hard to be tolerant of our new member.
I feel he genuinely seeks to learn about the period this forum references.
However: I do admit, my back is (like the angry cat) arching a little, and the claws are wanting to extend…
Patience is at times not one of my greater virtues…
it is perhaps fortunate I’m not a Moderator.}}

Kind and respectful Regards Gentlemen, Uyraell.

Hmmm the Churchill looks like it has a Chrchill turret (welded variant not cast).

That Valentine pic I have seen elsewhere with a comment that it was used to lead a German attack in Tunisia (around Kasserine somewhere) to fool the allies.

Captured equipment was used by all sides from a tin of spam going up to ships, all were useful in some way.

I read something recently about the Afrika Korp launching an attack using the Valentine leading several captured British vehicles as a Trojan Horse operation…

{{So far, I’m trying hard to be tolerant of our new member.
I feel he genuinely seeks to learn about the period this forum references.
However: I do admit, my back is (like the angry cat) arching a little, and the claws are wanting to extend…
Patience is at times not one of my greater virtues…
it is perhaps fortunate I’m not a Moderator.}}

My apologies there, Uyraell. And I’m sorry guys for such being a big annoyance in this forums. :frowning: .I think I’ll just shut up for awhile.

You don’t need to shut up.

Just think a little more and Google “WWII in Color and [insert the topic you’re thinking about]” before posting.

Your participation is welcome and we’re glad to inform people about WWII, but some of your topics have already been covered in detail in previous threads and don’t require fresh discussion.

Apology Accepted.

As Rising Sun* says, there is a vast wealth of information available on this forum, contributed over time by very worthy members.

It isn’t always the easiest thing to sit and read through the lists of threads on the multitude of topics this forum covers and refers to.
That said, it is an exercise well-worth doing, because among those threads are some exceptionally rare gems of information that heretofore has not seen light of day.

I have found some exceptionally interesting information here in the last couple of years, and regard the site pretty-much as “Home” as far as online fora are concerned.

Also, I’m at times inclined to be somewhat “sharp” because the site went through a bad period of “wally posters” and various trolls, and I took a very dim view of those persons, which possibly influenced my post above, from which you’ve quoted.

Be certain: you’re Very welcome here, Jungleguerilla.
And as Rising Sun* suggests, researching the topics in the threads here may well provide you with information you’d not have thought to be available.
There is the facility to re-open a previously Archived Thread if the topic warrants it, or if there is sufficient interest in doing so. And the various Moderators are often willing to do so.

Kind and Respectful Regards, Jungleguerilla, Uyraell.