Bf109 'White 14' (col.) - Colorizations By Users | Gallery

Bf109 'White 14' (col.)

“(...)Bf 109 G-8 usually flown by Leutnant Heimo Emmersdorfer of the 2./NAGr. 12 (...). 'White 14' wears a camouflage scheme carefully applied at unit level that better reflected the northern Mediterranean terrain over which the Staffel operated (...). In correspondence with two former ground crewmembers of the Staffel, the aircraft's colours were described to the author as 'brown and grey', the former most certainly 79 Sandgelb.” - David Wadman in 'Aufklarer vol.2 – Luftwaffe Reconnaissance Aircraft and Units, 1942-1945'. b&w original:

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at'white-14'-(col.)

Good work. Cheers, Victor Sierra

Thank you, m8. :slight_smile: