What are the Biggest (or most annoying) World War II Myths in your country?
Myth: Secret court-martial ordered hundreds of Finnish soldiers to be shot for desertion in June/July 1944 at Huhtiniemi.
Background: June 1944, the Soviet Union started massive attack on Karelian Isthmus. After two years of peaceful laziness (very little frontline action) Finnish troops just weren’t ready for the attack (It didn’t help that the Red Army had “practised” with Wehrmacht for years). Finnish troops fell back, thousands got lost, thousands momentarily panicked, and some deserted - It was a chaos. Most of the deserters were caught (sooner or later), and offered a chance to go back to the frontline - couple of handfuls were executed.
During the attack organizations were under a lot of pressure, for example soldiers could not be immediately properly buried - so some of them were reburied/relocated later. Things like that promoted the myth that something strange was going on.
Things really got out of hands after two persons started to actively promote the myth: “Deep Throat” (claiming to be veteran A, veteran B, veteran C, etc) made claims about the secret court, while a “journalist” saw the opportunity to create buzz with newspaper articles and earn a buck (they probably weren’t really working together, but you can see how they “fed each other”).
Huhtiniemi area (in city of Lappeenranta) has seen a lot of history, epidemics, battles (although not in WWII) - so it was just a matter of time before someone would stumble upon some bones, and the hell broke loose: 2006 Government was kind of pressured to start official digs in the area to clear this “dirty spot in Finnish history”. The “journalist” quickly wrote a book to cash in (it’s well written, easy to read, exciting).
Of course, examination revealed the bones had absolutely nothing to do with WWII. And recent books have totally discredited the first book (point by point).
Result: Lot of fuss, lot of wasted resources - and since many people only read the “exciting” book, they continue to spread the myth.