“Black Shirts” at Desenzano - Italian Forces | Gallery

“Black Shirts” at Desenzano

A group of Fascist “Camicie Nere” (Black Shirts) in visit to Reparto Alta Velocità-RAV (High Speed Flight) at Desenzano del Garda, Lake Garda, second half of the Thirties. The RAV was a special unit established on 1928 at Desenzano for training of the pilots and tests of the seaplane racer engaged for the Schneider Trophy and, after the ultimate conquest of the Trophy by the British, for other high speed contests for seaplane and the conquest of speed records. After the conquest of the world speed record, pilot Francesco Agello, Macchi MC.72, 23 October 1934, 709.209 km/h, the RAV was engaged for research over the high speeds and for the qualification of pilots for speed over 500 km/h. In the photo on the right one Breda seaplanes and in the background the floatplane of the record, the MC.72. Victor Sierra

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/italian-forces/46192/%22black-shirts%22-at-desenzano

Looking at the uniforms I’d say first half of '30s.

After the 1934. Until this date, world speed record, the access to RMV, a "top secret" unit, was stricly forbidden to extraneous peoples. VS