Bob Doe - Spitfire Ace - British Forces | Gallery

Bob Doe - Spitfire Ace

After applying for a short service commission, Doe joined the Royal Air Force in January 1939 (service number 41908).[1] Doe trained with 15 E&RFTS (Elementary & Reserve Flying Training School) at RAF Redhill, Surrey and combat training with 6 Flying Training School at RAF Little Rissington. Doe was posted on 6 November 1939 to No. 234 Squadron, a Spitfire Squadron at RAF Leconfield alongside fellow Battle of Britain high-scorer, Australian Pat Hughes. Doe would serve with No. 234 squadron for most of the Battle of Britain. Doe claimed his first victory on 15 August 1940 when he shot down two Messerschmitt Bf 110s followed by a Messerschmitt Bf 109 and a Dornier Do 18 on 16 August, a Bf 109 destroyed (of JG 52) and another Bf 109 damaged on 18 August, as he closed for the kill he realised that the 109 was in trouble. He flew alongside and allowed the pilot to make a successful landing in the sea near France. The 109 pilot was rescued and became a high scoring ace during the rest of the war.Bob Doe said that he could not bring himself to kill a pilot who was out of combat and trying to survive. Logically, Bob Doe should have destroyed the 109 and pilot and therefore saved many allied aircrew lives. The wife of the 109 pilot wrote to Bob Doe after the war and thanked him for saving her husband's life.

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Wow! What german ace was the 109 pilot?