Bomber is depositor / aly j

How bloody stupid can she be?

I picked him / her and challenged her at #8 , the subsequent posts being self-explanatory.

Then she / he PMs me as Bomber

Rising Sun,Have you seen me causing any trouble yet.
I have only posted one comment,remember i use to post a million times and plus i have been behaving myself.

Then, apparently following my #10 at, I get this exculpatory PM

i am not that person that started that thread,all i did was to answer his post.Stop recking the threads.
what three guys are you talking about,never mind i am just wasting my time eith you,you don’t listen anyway bye.

It’s time to shorten my original posted time limit as this will just end in tears if allowed to continue.

Suppository has been deleted.


A minor point of grammar, but wouldn’t one dissolve, expel or extract a suppository? :smiley: