Boulton Paul Defiant. - British Forces | Gallery

Boulton Paul Defiant.

Aircraft of RAF Fighter Command Squadron No. 264 (Madras Presidency). This was the "lead" squadron for the intorduction of the Boulton Paul Defiant fighter (shown here) in December 1939. The BWP was a result of a 1930s enthusiasm for fighters with their main armament located in a rotatable dorsal turret. This yielded some good results in the Battle of France, and in the Battle of Britain, when German fighters descending from the sun onto the backs of BPDs got a very unpleasant surprise as they dived into the gunfire of the dorsal turrets. However, the lesson was quickly learned that Defiants were vulnerable to attack from the front and below-front, where the Defiant suffered a hugh fire blind-spot. Heavy losses ensued. The Defiant was subsequently withdrawn to night-fighting duties. No. 264 Squadron was later re-equipped with De Havilland Mosquito two-engine fighters, operating mainly as night-fighters. Best regards, JR.

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Hi JR…I believe the first aircraft to be shot down by the first Canadian squadron to arrive in Britain were Bolton Defiants. The rookie Canadian pilots thought they were German