Brave Men

I thought the Red Army was a Brave Army. I like how when they lost a city or town they would do everything to get it back. Do you thank they were.

I think they were brave men, very motivated by the propaganda and with a fierece determination since the first day of war that they would win.

It is a difficult question because so general in nature. I whould say sometimes people are heroic because they are put into surcomstances with no other option as to be hero. Otherwise you perish…

IMO kamikaze were no sissies either.

Thank you for your post.

German army either were brave men, very motivated by the propaganda.
Its amasing but to the most end of war they maintained the discipline. Even when it was absolutly clear the collaps was inevitable.

I believe all of men and women living during that war were brave irrespective of which army they joined or not. Of course there were some who might be called cowards, but I’m not going to judge anybody.

they were also brave because they tried to win back their country, so this I can understand why they fought so hard. but some things were not very brave, like the mass-rapings and looting in the end of the war. so this is my general answer to this general question.

and: yes, I know, the germany werent also friendly when they invaded russia in 41, but it is like the Harris-debate. crime makes crime not equal.


I suppose this question is not correct. Noone can say that evryone was brave in Red Army or everyone was cowardly.
Another problem that in Red Army served people belonging to different nations. Lots of soldiers from central asia or far north half civilized, not educated, even hardly speaking russian tried to avoid battle by all means. They didnt understand what happining and what they are fighting for. But I must say that among this nations also were many heroes. I met information that during Feodosiysko-Kerchenskaya operation, representative of high command Mehlis claimed for reinforcement formed only from slavs (russian, ukranian, belorussian) cause non slav soldiers only retreated or surrendered. If we are speaking about bravery of concrete soldiers and units, here we can speak about unprecedented mass heroism. Someone can call it fanatism but I suppose its our national trait of self-sacrifice, that come from numorous wars Russia came through.
Examples of Brestskaya Fortress, starving but fighting Leningrad, 35-th Sevastopol shore battery, moro than 500 acts of air ramming and more and more. If interested I can give more info on most famouse heroic deeds.

Please do give more information.

Well it’s hard to tell what case was the propoganda and what was the real heroism. But anyway the battles like Stalingrad or Kursk had a lot of examples of personal heroism which could called like the mass heroism.
But here is one moral problem. If such many peoples prefered to die for the motheland. anothe group of people had to choose the collaborationism with Nazi ( i mean the army of Vlasov , native russian ( and like ukrainian, baltic ) police battalions on occuped territories and, Vaffen SS and ets.
When a millions perished in fight with Germans another mens ( about million) served them.
How could we treat them after the war? That’s the questio IMHO.

Yea the Russians would do anything to protect the “Motherland”,think of it,the Natzis took Russia fast with blitzkrieg but the russians came back withe extordnary results.

i think to begin with the red army wasnt that brave they just gave up but after a while (mabe because stalin would shoot anyone who would retreat including the genrals) they came back with avengence so i think thats when they got really brave, they had the biggest loss out of all alliesput together .

I’m sure they had no choice. If someone in the Red Army found as a POW by there own side, they would be executed, and even attempting to surrender, or any remarks that are anti communist, they would be executed. I’m sure they fought for there lives instead of being shot be there fellow comrades.

I think some of the penchant for Russian self-sacrifice in WWII also came from the desperation and anger of having your innocents slaughtered by the Nazis…

Edited by Panzerknacker

No my dear, that is not the way how you going to conduce in this forum if you got intentions to stay here.
your first inflamatory/insulting post have been deleted and you got 2 infraction points[/b]

What did you do?I didin´t type any swear-word or propaganda. Why you didn´t edit Egorka´s reply? It´s not my fault Americans doesn´t know cruel reality and belive, communist murderers were liberators and brave mens.

I have no quarrel with russian members! I hate communists! I belive Egorka is not communist.

And do you like the jews?
In fact many ( if not a most) of the bolschevicks were the jews?

I would like to apologize in front of everyone (including Clausewitz) for what and how I said.
I really try to avoid such kind of posts. But I got carried away this time. Sorry!

Regarding the actual points in the Clausewitz’s post:
My friend, every time you make such preposterous statements about “only kill POWs”,“ravish women”, “worse than nazis” and such I will be there!

With hope for the future understanding and broader open mind!

EDIT: No, I am not communist. I am Christian. And therefor I do think that Communism was an utopia. But I will never agree on comparing Communism and especially the political regim in USSR with Nazism!
Most communists (contrary to Bolsheviks) were assuming a constructive (in they mind) ideology. Whereas Nazist were joining the ideology that was created for and conducted undiscrementary extinction of certain goups of people.
There is a big difference between the unconditional desctruction and the spot repressions.

Thanks my friend for the care - you right this biased tone is not admissible in this thread.


I have no quarrel with russian members! I hate communists! I belive Egorka is not communist

The purpose of this topic is not to discuss about your political preferences ( if you like you can do that in the off-topic section) but to talk if the CCCP army was a brave one.

It is a silly topic I know that, but It comes from a very young member, I tough that it will have some interest but I made a mistake.

If somebody have more to said about the braveness of the soviet say it now because this going to be closed and moved to the archive.[/b]