Brazilian Soldiers - Brazilian Forces | Gallery

Brazilian Soldiers

Brazilian Soldiers are heading to establish Resistance to German Attack,

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

It’s easy to forget exactly all enveloping the war actually was. When I was in secondary school, my Spanish teacher told us about Costa Rica’s involvement, which is not a nation most of us would think of right away. Anyway, in addition to joining the Allies in December of 41, and allowing a US Base in their country, they also mustered up (according to my teacher; I’ve never tried to verify it) one (!) rifle company, which boarded ship for the ETO - and was never heard from again. To the best of my knowledge, even today Costa Rica has no Army, just Police Forces. So, if the story is true, I imagine they would have been volunteers, and the ship they boarded lost at sea, perhaps to a U-boat. I have no idea of the supposed time frame. Anybody else have any real knowledge about the truth of this? Or even tid-bits about other little-known contributions by other nations?