Britisches Freikorps

This one:

Or this one:

Please do not take it as provocation. :slight_smile:

Well it looks like the British and French Resistance are moving forward as in that they are advancing against the Germans. It symbolizes the German advances and stopping and them moving forward. I would say that this is a complicated propaganda poster.

IT is more simple than that, Germansoldier. :wink:
And it is not French flag, but Italian.

I think that those were used to attemp recruting some british prisoner in the Whermacht, few were actually willing to do so, and formed a small british detachment wich never saw combat.

Yep, Panzerknacker is right. It’s a recruiting poster for the Britische Freikorps. Wiki has a fairly comprehensive article on them. In summary they consisted of about 50 men over the course of the war, never being more than 20 at any one time. Of these, a number seem to have been working for British intelligence and most of the rest appear to have been crooks looking for an easy time and to cause the Germans trouble. There is some evidence that a single member of the BFC may have seen combat in the Battle of Berlin in 1945. The rest spent a couple of weeks directing traffic at the end of the war and that’s about their total contribution to the German war effort.

It was a Waffen-SS detachment, correct?

Yes, although “detachment” probably gives an excessive idea of the actual size of the unit. It really was tiny.

Inspired to this post by Egorka, I made some search in my Library to found more info about this subject.

I find some references in the book “Foreign Legions in the Whermacht vol II” by David Littlejohn.

The most surprisingly is the CENSURE does by the Author to the pics of the englanders, Why 50 years later? , Why just the British ?

Huh…I know , the family and etc,etc, the survivors, etc, and who know what other flematic and stupid reason. It remember me some way to the old Invincible topic.

Aniway here are the pages.


And the pictures wich were massacrated by the censorship.

I know a source where you can find the photos uncencored…if you’d like I could post them

Do it ¡¡¡


Thanks for infor Panzerknacker and Wolfgan
Now i understand where from the Churchill got the idea of operation “Unthinkable”:wink:
He planned to use about 100 000 ( indeed it mistake in WIKI it were about 400 000 of germans POWS with its wearpon (!!!) in Holland which he planned to use agains red army)
He wrote “Russia- threat of western civilisation”. Add the words “jewish” and you get the Goebbels slogan :wink:

It’s Britische, not Britishe. Close enough, though.

Corrected, thanks for your help in defeating censorship Wolfgang.

No problemo =D

I actually think there is a reenactment group for the Britische Frei Korps

As anybody mentioned? There was a programme on theHistory Channel about this. No censorship. As I recall it explained what became of these chaps after the war.

What became of them?

It’s a little vague, now. To be honest, once I learned that there were so few of them and that they didn’t take part in any military operations, I began to lose interest. There job was to move around the POW camps and to try to recruit more, but they were unsuccessful. If I remember correctly, they served about five years in prison, after the war, and then disappeared into obscurety.
