British helmet colors

Hi…On some British MKII Helmets there are three holes on each side of the rim
by the strap rivet…Can anyone tell me the purpose of these please…!

I have no clue. They might have been put there by the wearer?

I’ve seen plenty of these helmets with the same hole configuration but could never understand the logic in them. Some MK11’s had them some didn’t.

they were holed to signify them as being made with mild steel for air raid precaution use. they are basically third grade hlemets issued to civilians for use during air raids…they are not army issue…see the below reference

I recently aquired a MK I helmet that has the green paint flaking and tan paint under the green. Is this an north Africa used helmet repainted for use in europe. Thanks, Harry.

Do you can provide any picture ? :rolleyes:

Interresting try of camouflaging - i suggest that is British Humour? :smiley:

That was probably early attempts at camaflage. if you go back to WW1 the personal camaflage was largely only perfected by Snipers.

Even in WW2 the idea of cam, as we know it, was still in its infancy. These were the pioneering attempts :smiley: