Britons in Auschwitz

Would the Brits be treated the same as the Jews, or do you think the SS would of treated them different?

I believe it depended.

Without looking at the resources, and basing this on memory what I’ve seen in programs on the History Channel and PBS, it seems that some captured spies were executed at Concentration Camps, including a group of SOE agents that were hung from meat hooks. There is much documentation that Allied airmen, not just Britons but a number of Canadians, Americans, and probably Soviets as well, were held in Concentration Camps. I think it was sometimes temporary as a way-stop to an actual POW camp, sometimes as punishment for escaping, or for those perceived as acting in an intelligence capacity.

One recent History Channel program noted the story of an American flyer that had been betrayed after he was arrested and tortured after he had escaped and spent time with the French Resistance. He was then sent to one of the camps, and along with a number of Allied POWs, was put to slave labor and malnutrition much as the other internees were. The group was only were sent to a POW camp after they alerted a Luftwaffe officer inspecting bomb damage at the camp and indicated to him that Germany was losing the War, and trials for warcrimes were soon to follow.