Brlin.Downfall by Oliver Hirschbiegel

I found that link in Wiki.
The film about last days of Hitler’s surround in Bunker.
I didn’t watch this film yet.
Is it worthwhile to watch?Has somebody seen?

First I was thinking you were joking but then I realised you are living in Russia which would explain why you haven’t heard of this fantastic movie.It’s German and its original title is Der Untergang.It’s the story of one of Hitler’s secretary Traudl Junge and the last days of the Reich/Berlin.
Highly recommended by moi.Very much at my top war movies list with “Zvezda”(Звезда) and “Idi i smotri”(Иди и смотри)

You’d probably also like the fact that the Russian soldiers are shown as quite respectful and civilized, and not as a plundering and raping mob.

I feel in love with it last summer it has its sad parts in it but its a great film none the less

Top Film.

It pulls no punches, but is more drama than historically correct.

Worth a watch.

Excellent film. The Russian soldiers aren’t really in there very long and seemed to be in a state of momentary awe…

I was also curious as almost all German small arms are shown, but it seems that every other soldier is carrying the MP-44 Sturmgewehr and rifle might be a bit overrepresented?

Not sure ,in Mabire’s “mourir a Berlin” and Trigg’s “Hitler’s gauls” it says that all soldiers (except Rostaing’s 3rd Kompanie who had 3 Stg44 for 10 men) from the "Charlemagne "division were equipped with Stg 44 and Panzerfausts as well as an abundance of MG42’s(no less than two per section).

absolutely !! a very good film !!
u gotta watch it dude !

I wouldn’t be too quick to judge the movie on that.
I’d assume that the units defending Berlin would be high priority enough to be fully equipped with StG44s… But I also saw quite a couple of MP40s, especially when the SS soldier executes the “Deserters”.
The 98k’s are only used by the Volkssturm guys, and they got massacred, which caused the commander who witnessed it to complain to Goebbels that if he had to force old men to fight, he should at least give them weaponry that works for Urban combat.

Generally I’d say they did a very good job on the authenticity of weaponry, uniforms and equipment.

Picture from the SS-Nordland taken in Berlin.
Some attributes it to the Charlemagne but it’s a mistake.Anyway as all can see,equipment wasn’t an issue before the battle of Berlin.

I thought the guy that played Hitler did a good job. One thing I would have liked is if more had been shown of the Soviets. It seemed like the movie only looked at the German perspective and it would have been interesting to see more of what the Soviet soldiers were doing.

After all this is what the movie’s all about: the incidents inside of the “Führerbunker” and Hitler’s closer peripherals in general.

It is based from the book of Hitler’s secretary isn’it?

Partially (Until the Final Hour: Hitler’s Last Secretary). Mainly it’s based on Joachim Fest’s book “Der Untergang” (english version “Inside Hitler’s Bunker. The Last Days of the Third Reich”).
Parts of an interview with the secretary in question ,Gertraud „Traudl“ Junge (1920-2002), was shown at the beginning and end of the movie.
However it should be mentioned that Rochus Misch (Hitler’s bodyguard, courier and phone operator) states in his book (Der letzte Zeuge: Ich war Hitlers Telefonist, Kurier und Leibwächter) that Mrs. Junge kind of “bloated” her own part in the whole story. The movie (and maybe her book as well, haven’t read it yet) shows her as Hitler’s favourite secretary. However Misch writes that she was actually more of a substitute for the case that one of the regular secretaries (Gerda Christian, Christa Schroeder and Johanna Wolf) was not available.

Well, the part where…


…She walked through the Russian lines and nobody did anything to her is wrong, too. In reality she was raped multiple times, IIRC…


Well they said something about not looking in there eyes but I bet she would have been raped in all reality

well although that didnt take place in the movie i had read that some where before

I was thinking the same thing. The likelihood of a very attractive young women just walking past vengeful (and horny) Soviet soldiers and not being accosted would be nil…

But I imagine it is possible in just the right circumstance: i.e. the Red Army is too busy and distracted and there are too many officers present - and they’re too concerned taking Heer and SS into custody while fearing that the Germans might try some sort of surrender-ambush-ruse…

I’m certain that her friend from the bunker that decided to stay was severally mistreated at least…

Why would she have been raped in ‘all reality’?

What evidence do you have to support your ‘bet’ that this would have been the case?