...but we got her back! - US Army Air Force | Gallery

...but we got her back!

Captain Allyn Lewis landed his B-17 "Recall" in Belgium after its nose (and the nose art) was shot away over Germany. His crew all bailed out safely and made it back to Allied held territory. The two men in the nose were able to scuttle out the hatch (see the missing door in the photo). SOURCE: Rocky Raymond, nephew of Capt. Allyn Lewis submitted this photo.http://www.daveswarbirds.com/b-17/nose.htm

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/us-army-air-force/47080/...but-we-got-her-back!

Going through all the photos on this site(daveswarbirds),it’s amazing what damage these aircraft could sustain and still make it home.For example,I always thought that a plane that got it’s tail shot off was doomed but the photos prove otherwise.One would start to believe in miracles.