Bye Bye

Well,i have decided to leave this,i see that im not a good or contributing member or useful for this ww2 community,and im afraid it would be better if i leave it,but this is definitive,definitive,i don’t want to be back again,never.

If my posts can be deleted that would be a pleasure for me,i don’t want them here anymore,also i want my username deactivated.

thankyou guys,you made me feel happy in this place,it’s a tragedy that thanks to me and my bad moods and my insults,and the insults of some people (i have to say that not everybody that i insulted was bad,indeed i was the son of the pitch who reacted defensively).

I want to say special thanks to

Dani for being an exellent person,educated,prepared,good mooded,great moderator and for the help and importance in this place.

Gen Sandworm you are one of the most important persons in the forum,without you this would be like the town circus or a porn club,keep up the good work man!,thanks for everything.

Firefly thank you specially because you always have been good with me,even when i insulted you a lot,and you are the perfect mod without any doubt, i don’t deserve your reply and to waste your keyboard’s keys.
and btw,when are you going to teach me the scottish slang?

PzKpfw VI Tiger,you good pal!,you are a great person,you work everytime and you are really important here,you have never been involved in a conflict,loyal folk,good work!.

Crab_to_be…you are a good person here,but that don’t counts in the arrse :smiley: .

Tsolias,it’s impossible to find another guy like you!,you have both humour sense,creativity and intelligence that needs to be valious as person,and of course your colaboration here,you never wasted a post in something irrelevant.

Hanz Lutz/Clauss,you are the mod and i really hope that you keep posting here, you are an exellent person and you can make a person smile when they are in problems,your personality cannot be paid,and im glad to be your friend.

Panzerknacker(this goes in spanish :lol: ),mas macanudo imposible, viejo,te encargo que seas mi sucesor aca :wink: ,los pibes estos no van a aguantar un segundo sin uno de mis posts des-encajantes y incha-bolas, ademas no te gastas un post al pedo,jajajaja,para conversar sigo en el msn!.

cpl condor (spanishhhhh),vos que laburas por la patria,ejemplo de buen ciudadano y lo que se debe hacer,heroe nacional como la mayoria de los miembros de nuestras fuerzas armadas,comparti tu experiencia y prestales artilleria a los nuestros cuando se arme la guerra de foros al otro lado del charco! :).

Eagle (another in spanish),sos muy inteligente pibe,leete todos los libros,segui estudiando que vas a ser un hombre con un futuro brillante,eso si,mas vale que te fanatices bien con el patriotismo y nacionalismo!,luego de eso vamos a ahorrarnos mucho trabajo todos tus compatriotas :smiley: .

HG,i haven’t been talking to you much time,but you are really nice with me,i must consider you as a south african brother,thank you for all those pics and the responsability that you have.

StalingradK,you made me laugh as shit,like gas inside the coke (the drink!,don’t think of another coke :roll: ),you funny lad,share your superior experience of the ww2 games,that must be your own forum section,thanks for the time reading all the crap i write and trying to laugh with it (That’s really difficult,and a merit of pacience).

Hiddenrug,australian commando with the biggest collection of medals and the prize of the biggest accuracy with Steyr aug,you will be the best australian commando (or sniper :twisted: ),i wish you the best and to continue giving life to the site.

american sniper,my friend from south USA,great guy,funny,cool,a balance of the best things,you have all them,keep your coolness going :wink: ,and i would like to share a beer with you in some years.

PLT.SGT.BAKER,we can talk hours and keep talking about all the cool shit! (shit is something good!,not bad…at all), thanks giving me the luck to be your friend,you need to be armed of patience if you want to listen me,and you do! :slight_smile: .

SS Tiger,PERFECT member of the site,you help,you work,you don’t attack,you are responsible,you are really nice person,i knew you for not much time but you are great,incredible,who wouldn’t want to be your friend?,you seem to be a future admin,believe me :wink:

Commando Jordovski,you are the best in this world,i will give you special thanks at messenger.

TexWiller,The same goes for you,educated,great person,good mooded,and a great friend of mine,without you my english grammar would be more lost than now :lol: ,thank thank thanks.

ww2admin,im really sorry for what i do in the forum,you must want to kill me,i give you more problems than help,thank you for all your support and your work at this forum and site,well,without you this wouldn’t even exist!,and also you are a great person and friend, i will visit texas in no much time i hope :smiley: .

A lot of thanks to those guys that im forgetting now,don’t worry my friends,i don’t want to be bad but i cannot make more comments because i would make the guys sleep with this comments,you see if your name is there and if not,read this,thanks.

another stuff
FW190,it would be nice if you were more equal and moderate both sides,if you do what your keyboard says,i think Gen. Sandworm wouldn’t need your help.

Bluffcove,you are funny,creative,idiot,you are me,but in the british part,yes,maybe i sound even more stupid than you because im talking in another language than my native one,i hope continue with that humour,and i have to say that you are empty as person,you cannot be friend of yourself,but i will not insult you this time because dani wouldn’t like that,good luck you wacko :smiley: .

1000ydstare,i find you a really strange person,strange but at the same time hilarious when you want,you are the smiles machine,i want to be your friend because im like you at some points,yes,im like the people that i fight to im afraid.

Man of Stoat,you are my dear worst enemy and im glad to be your enemy,i hope that we can fight better every day!,white flag for today…or only for the next two hours!.

This is my final post,Admins and or mods,i want my username to be deleted,also my membership/account,if it can be possible i also want my posts deleted,im pretty close to the 10% of the forum,a 10% of shit and idiotic words,so i will stop damaging here.

Best wishes for all you guys and keep your work going,i hope now the forum will be better without me,well,it’s in good hands now!.

Good bye.


ahhh,FW190,i received your pm,

you need to change your avator to world war 2 related, failure to respond in a week will result in getting a warning from me or gen sandworm.

and i have to say you, NOOOOOOOO!!! :smiley: ,i will not change it,sorry to damage you,your unfairness is clear and i posted already why you are unfair, security security,take out this man.

that was the old Erwin,old…21 years is enough old when you act like 4?,maybe.

If you got to go you got to go allthough I must say it will not be the same without your posts and funny remarks.

Why are you so unhappy?

I will certanaly miss you and good luck mate and thank you for your message.


Adios Sturmtruppen

You won’t be missed.

:expressionless: :? I dont get it.

FluffyBanny you are crule. There is no need to be like that.


Yes there is.

I’m about to rant here, so if you don’t like ranting, switch off now.

WTF has Erwin/ Sturmtruppen contributed to this site?

Has he actually posted ANYTHING at all that is connected to WW2, apart from some tat about the Nazis having a secret Antarctic base and other such fairy stories?

What do his posts consist of?

Any of the fol. in no particular order:

  1. Smileys and nons sequiteur

  2. Abuse

  3. Stuff about Argentina

I don’t mind the Argentinian stuff. I find the military bits interesting, but WTF does most of it have to do with WW2? Cpl Condor and Eagle have useful opinions, based on fact or at least based on some sort of sound reasoning if fact is hard to come by.

Anyone who disagrees with Erwin / Sturmtruppen is abused, anyone who questions the almighty Erwin World View is abused. It’s pathetic in the true sense of the word.

Look at his response to FW 190. Just because he doesn’t agree with Erwin, it develops into a mud slinging match where FW 190 is accused of all sorts of malignancy for no good reason.

I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again until banned. He has no interest in WW2, litle interest in military history beyond the tight confines of the Argentinian military, so what is he doing here?

He’s a troll, just like his mate Irish Duck and that other pillock (good use of an olde English word there for you students of the beautiful language) IRONMAN.

I’m tired of having to trawl through the bollox (another good olde English word) he spouts just to read some informative posts from other folk.

This isn’t my site, and is run by folk with far cooler tempers than me. I would have closed his account years ago.

So I say again Erwin, goodbye and don’t come back.

Don’t think this is in any way an encouragement to stay here. I won’t enter into a slanging match with you as I really cannot be bothered discussing things with you.

Mods - please take him at his word, now, and delete his account. Leave his posts as a monument if you like. I really don’t care either way, but it will be very hard work for you to edit them all out as there are so many of them, but their total net worth is zero.

end of rant …

Erwin just likes his culture thats not wrong, at least he admitted he didnt contributed, as long as he admit it theres no point of argueing, he left he’s useing his spare time for something else, He’s gone although he was a good friend.

FluffyBunny I undrstand what you are saying but if you start to know someone you actualy learn to know them.

Again I understand what you are saying. I first thought Erwin was a asshole but when I talked a bit to him I started to think again about him. Yes he did post nasty things but he was sometimes dragged into it by other peoples posts.


He is a cad, a bounder, a blackguard, an abuser of confidence, a manipulator, and a liar. In his more sober moments he can be okay, but then will go absolutely nuts again.

Lesser trolls have been banned for far less.

wait till gen sandworm see this and delete asap

Shame to see you leave Erwin! Thanks for the nice comments. It seems you’ve made up you mind so I won’t try to change it, but remember you can always come back.

Yes he can come back, but he dosn’t want to. We all gonna miss erwin.

In the same way that one misses a dose of the clap?

Hahahahahahaha !

Reminds me of an old series on US television called:

“Wait 'Til Your Father Gets Home !”

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Adio Erwin :!: :!: :!:

Goodbye Erwin :cry:

And FluffyBunnyGB and Pain of Stoat, there were no need for your crude remarks. A member of our fourm is leaving, and I think it best to send him off with warm remarks, rather than the crude ones that you wish to leave. It is really appalling how immature you two can be at some points. And I would have expected better…out of both of you. Dissappointment. :!:

As of course I said Erwin admits he’s done little for the site and did some wrong, so theres no point of argueing because there really is no point to this when he’s leaving and he admitted for the things he has done, all you just saw Erwin as a troll, I thought there would be more happier and warm remarks then cruel remarks.

Farewell Erwin. Hope to see you around anytime soon.

Australia Salutes you!

I think everyone has said their peace.