BZ's 2007 Littlefield Tank Collection - Photo Gallery - California

BZ’s 2007 Littlefield Tank Collection - Photo Gallery - California

These are some pictures … at a tour of the Littlefield tank collection.

Some people collect cards, others collect cars…Jacques Littlefield collects TANKS! Nestled quietly in the Palo Alto Hills, his impressive collection of armored vehicles would put most museums to shame!

Presented here are just a small sample of his massive collection. Some are displayed as acquired, others are restored to running order, and a very few are rebuilt from the ground up to be better than new!

The first few pictures are of a Panther tank that is in the semi-final stages of restoration. Every detail, from the rubber on the roadwheels, to the interior wiring and electronics, have been painstakingly reproduced to be 100% authentic. It’s no boast when they claim that the tank will be indistinguishable from ‘factory new’. Well, with the exception that none of the guns work…

All shots taken w/ a Nikon D50 w/ Nikkor 15-55mm (kit) lens.

Update: Added some additional captions and corrections from Manic Moran, and Holger ( Both provided great info and useful tidbits. A big thanks to both of them!


Our National Geography’s TV channel had a series of rich men’s toys and one of the American Million or Billionaires collected and restored Tanks and some other heavy duty field pieces.

This isn’t that collection is it?

George you have done a great job with your camera, thank you!!


George this is that collection! You have done a wonderful job, on the TV Special they of course moved etc. But having them in still shots to look over carefully is just outstanding and wonderful.

Thank you soooooooo very very much for sharing this with us. I am going to be spending a lot of time with this. In my fathers FA photos is a black and white “New Tank” for 1937. I will dig it out and post it. If I don’t remind me. Thank you again for this display!

George the ME 262 that I posted under German Military had its gun ports covered with some kind of plug.

When they were taking it apart to restore and make blue prints for the replicas they found the original Machine Guns were still installed.

Thanks PA Dutchman, but I really can’t take credit for this outstanding photo gallery. I was merely a messenger conveying the link :wink: - notice the quote.

The real credit goes to the photographer Bernard Zee who took these fine images. :smiley:

BZ’s Photo Gallery - Main Index

Dear George,

I watched that TV show twice about the Littlefield Equipment Musuem, that was all I couild find it on. To come here and have it laid out the way you have is just wonderful!!

I said before we had a large group of German Techs and mechanices install the 180 Million dollars of German Coffee making equipment we purchase from them to make better coffee here in the USA.

Our course they had to work closely with our group of Rocket Scientists daily, a sad story in deed.

I said to one of the Germans “You must wonder how in the world you lost the war after working so closely with our managers and supervisores” he laughted so hard it was refreshing.
If our countries present CEOs were running the War Machine I am not sure we would win. They would downsize the war and outsource it to China in a month to the hightest bidder.

IBM sold their Business Divisino and all the security links with it to the Chinese Government. Last Summer they broke into the Penagon. Thsi past mojnth they broke into the State of PA. Veterans records, and many other important State records of private citizens. After the story came out it was found the Chinese had broken into several states Computer Sites and accessed citizens records.

State Web sites back after hack attack assault from China.
By John L. Micek | Morning Call Harrisburg Bureau
January 5, 2008

HARRISBURG | - The official Pennsylvania Web site and the Web pages of several state agencies were taken offline Friday after hackers in China infiltrated them.

Nice pics! They’re getting closer to completing it, hopefully before the end of this year.

Actually, it is that collection.
The link above didn’t work, though.
And if I was a self-made millionaire like him I suppose I’d do the same thing. :slight_smile:

Thanks for pointing that out Larry. :slight_smile:

Evidently Bernard Zee moved his gallery to a new location.

I updated the link to Bernard Zee’s 2007 Littlefield Tank Collection - Photo Gallery (above) and below.

I saw a program on cable TV recently (I think it was the Military Channel) about Littlefield’s collection in California and another collector in England. IIRC, those two gentlemen share the distinction of owning the largest private collections of armored vehicles in the world.

Apparently they are the only 2 private owners of fully fuctional armor, particularly Russian equipment and some American.

The other collector in the UK is Kevin Wheatcroft , he is also restoreing a Panther Tank as well as JL.