CAC CA-15 - Australian Forces | Gallery


Designed in 1943 by the Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation of Australia. Original engines could not be provided so production was delayed. First Flight 1946 Weights Max overload 12 340lbs normal loaded 10 764lbs empty 7 540lbs Armament 6x .50 machine guns in wings with 250 rounds each. provision for 10 rocket projectiles or 2x 1000lb bombs under wings. Performance Max speed at sea level 368mph at 25 600ft 442mph at 26 400ft 448mph at 30 000ft 439mph at 32 000ft 432mph Initial climb 3 650ft/min max climb 4 990ft/min climb at 30 000ft 2 250ft/min time to 20 000ft 5.5 minutes service ceiling 39 000ft range wing tanks only 1 150miles max range + drop tanks 2 540miles

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The first Engine planned to be use was 2,300 hp (1,715 kW) radial Pratt & Whitney R-2800, with a turbocharger. However, that engine became unavailableRolls-Royce Griffon Mk 61 (2,035 hp/1,517 kW). Engines for a prototype were leased from Rolls-Royce.[1] It was intended that any production engines would have a three-speed supercharger.