Here in Britian we have a youth organisation called the Cadets. Basically they are a youth organisation than uses a psuedo military system to give the kids a good start in life. Building on such characteristics as courage, confidence and the willingness to serve others.

They are usually affliated to either the Navy (and Marines), Army Regiments or Corps and the RAF. These units give the cadets their capbadges and a bit of in built “espirit de corps”. The accutrements worn by the cadets are generally similar, although in the Marines cadets and cadets affliated to the Parachute Regiment they do not wear the respective berets earnt on the Commando course or Pegasus Company.

They carry out a fair bit of military training such as drill or rifle shooting but this is only a vehicle for the above charecter building, they are not part of the Army for fighting, etc. for example.

Also please do not confuse them with a junior entrant scheme. Britain has one of those too, where you can join the Army at 15 3/4 if you wish. I think that the Argentine school that Erwin has mentioned in the past may fit in to one or the other of these groups.

Please read this link if you want to know more on British Cadets.

Are there similar organisatins in other countries? In Russia for example there was the Young Oktoberists or similar. Please enter details or sites below. There are similar organisatiosn in Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

Here are some links for those organisations too.

Australia -

Canada -

New Zealand -
Sorry, bit rushed to find an all encompassing New Zealand site, but if you google “Cadets New Zealand” you will find all kinds of sites on differing cadet forces.


Being an AAC my self. Cadets is a great thing for youths do to. Learning self discipline and team work. Many cadets these days go on to join the Armed Forces of thier country.

For all cadets a roung the world WE SALUTE YOU! :smiley: 8)

I did read once that if the UK was ever invaded then Army Cadets over the age of 14 could be called up as a last resort - can anyone confirm or deny that?

To be honest mate, in last resort I think everybody would be called up, not just cadets.

Never heard it myself though. Could be one of those rumours that some cadets make up to make themselves look more soldier like than they should be.

As far as I am aware there is no commitent for call up or other duties for anyone in the cadets.

Sounds like it to me - I heard it too back when I was a space cadet (the variant I heard was cadet sergeants and above), but only ever from other cadets. If it was for real I’m sure I would have been told officially.

It wasn’t a cadet who told me, but for the life of me I can’t remember who it was. Sounds like a bit of an urban myth like, but I though it was worth asking…

Wouldn’t it be against international law anyway?

I was in Civil Air Patrol for nigh on two years. We learned a lot of the marching drills, but never any rifle or weapons drills. Technically if you trained enough you were eligible to go on rescue operations (i.e. planes that crashed). It was affiliated with, of course, the Air Force, and we met on an Air Force Base (well it’s kind of an Air Force base and a civillian airport put together. There was a main building for the Air Force and then a large field full of Apache helicopters, but the runway was also for civillian use). I rather enjoyed it for a while, and every October I got to work at the airshow at Ellington Field. After a while I was unable to get anybody to take me so I just stopped going.

A bit of history:

CAP was started in WWII, and it was comprised of people who were either too old or too young to join the USAAF. The mainly scanned the coasts for enemy ships and submarines. Eventually the rigged up devices to their airplanes that allowed them to drop depth charges.

DerMann that sounds interesting, very much like our Royal Observer Corps. Only with a slightly different use. ROC was used to report onthe damage caused in the event of nuclear war, and also during it’s earlier years as fire watchers (during the raids) and to signal back when they spotted or heard aircraft formations.

Please see

Was it an actual youth organisation though?

The cadets in UK are between mainly teenage, younger than 18, I would guess your CAP would be a bit older in general.

Officers in the ACF hold a B type commission. This is mainly so that they can be held accountable if something should go wrong. Most SNCOs would not be of much use even if they are willing. Possibly moved to a home service force (remember that). MOD rules going back to WW1 restrict the age of soldiers to over 17 and any cadets over that age would be called up. Winchester college CCF formed a unit for the first war and was awarded a battle honour and colours for it.

I have seen one or two cadets who have entered regular service who thought they knew it all!!

There is no international law that soldiers must be of an age, but the UN is pushing very hard for one because of the use of child soldiers in Africa. This may have a knock on to junior soldiers. This may be why they have changed the name of the foundation college.

Well yes and no. There are two seperate rank systems, the Cadets and then the Seniors (in lack of a better word…). No matter the rank of the cadet the seniors were always of higher rank. Cadets range from 12-18. After you turn 18, you can rejoin as a senior with your same rank. Even if you’re a cadet, you’re eligible to go on rescue operations.

Look through here if you want:

Well Im not sure if this was real butI have a history book that has a medaL FOR “CADET MILITARY SERVICE” Maybe they called upon cadets over the age of 16?

Wel i’m a member in the Air Training Corps (RAF Cadets)…

We pretty much have the same uniform and regulations around our HQ…
The ATC provides cadets the age of 13 to 18 (or even to the age of 20) the chance: to go flying with instructors; to go on UK RAF Bases (for camps); and to go on camps outside the UK (such as Germany, Canada, Australia)…

The RAF Cadets are in Squadrons… Like the RAF, we got a system were we have a Commanding Officer (usually a Flt. Lt.); about 4 or 5 officers (below the C.O’s rank); Adult and Cadet NCO’s (like sgt etc); and cadets themselves…

This is the site for the Air Trainging Corps HQ:

As in the army cadets we go on camps on defence establishments( usually a backfield of a base ) and do nav ex’s and capture the flag ( 12hrs) and a stealth game called lantern stalk ( my fav. best if played n large areas…strictley no nightvision lol )

In Israel there are some school that operated by the IDF, students need to wear uniform, maintain army disiplain and some are giving weapons (althought they aren’t allowed to take it with them when they go home) also at about the age of 17-16 every Israeli youth go to Gadna, which is a week militry training, they could also be called into service as a last ditch effort (but of course things need to be really bad for this to happend).

Well I certainly won’t call upon cadets until the public school kids have been sent in! lol

Cadets in the UK have no military liability in any way, shape or form. Cadet force non commissioned staff also have no military liability at all as they are civilians who hold a title not a rank. They are for instance known as Sergeant Instructor not Sergeant.

Cadet force officers have a theoretical call up liability but it is only theoretical.

Ingsoc, why have you got a picture of a nazi in your title block?

Check his post and also his answer to Firefly (scrolling down).

Thanks dani