Call of Duty 3


Amazing game… :shock:

Call of Duty 3


Holy shit! that looks awesome. I can’t wait for that to come out! :frowning: :x

check out

Isn’t anyone bothered that it’s only coming out for almost every console EXCEPT the PC?


It has to come out on PC. The last two did, no reason this one shouldn’t.[/b]

I rather it be on console, otherwise I’d have to keep updating my computer. I can afford a new console every 2-3 years.

It does look awesome!!!

There isn’t any sign of Infinity Ward making a PC version. I was disapointed, but then I thought they care more about the $$$ than the fans.

I am only wandering when we will have a german campaign.

I really doubt they will have a German campaign. This is what I’m hating about all these main steam WWII shooters. They are always the same. You follow the Americans into Normandy, the British in the desert, and the Russians. For once I would like to play the Germans entering greece, or play as a Japanese figher in a huge naval battle. Heck even better let me be a Finn defending his homeland against the ruskies.:slight_smile:

The only reason that they don’t have any Axis side FPS, is that well, I don’t know! It would be nice to play as a Japanese or German soilder. What they don’t understand is that the WWII FPS fans WANT to play as an Axis soilder. But the developers are too scared and lazy to create one.

I think the reason they don’t include an Axis campaign is becuase they want to make the game more main steam. Yes WWII enthusiast like us know that the Wehrmacht wasn’t all bad. But the average person/gamer dosn’t want to play the hollywood portrayal of a good for nothing Nazi pig.

And that’s why I got Red Orchestra :slight_smile:

I know the perfect way game developers could show gamers Germans soilders were just the same as American or British. You flank around a German MG position, and they are heavily suppresed, hiding, and you can hear them whimpering, and then the hothead in your squad kills them all with his MG. I’m not sure if that would be the perfect example, but it would give you the impression, that Germans are humans just like American soilders. They hide, they cry, they weren’t all part of the SS. To the sensative, that would give you an impression that Americans weren’t all that nice just like how they portray Germans in CoD2, or BiA:EB.

That just does the opposite. It shows the Germans as being weak and over glorifing America.

Beside the polemics that it can cause, I honestly think that there is a couple of escenarios wich are very interesting to play in a german campaing, like the invation to the belgian Fortress of Eben Emael, The siege to Sebastopol, The Afrika Korps, there is only in the hands of the creators of action games, I think that is time for give up the prejudices and work on it.

Being a German in Monte Cassino could also prove to be interesting.

Man Call of Duty 3’s out. I’m gonna wait for after christmas sales when the prices go down.

Did they finally run out of WWII movies to rip off for scenes?

i am looking foward to when call of duty 3 comes out in australia considering i have an xbox 360. i own all of the previouse games and am not the slitist bit disapointed. the fact of the matter is like outerheaven states is that i dont think they can put you through the eyes of the germans the reason i say this is because they can not over glorify america and the allies because it did not happen in the war. if they did put that in the game it would turn history and what the truth upside down. hay but i wouldnt be dissapointed if they did i reacon it would be quite intesting and hay it dosnt hurt to have something new once in a while!

                            thank you

The trailers ive seen show no signs of the British and Russians in this game at all. This game seems like its going to blow. :frowning: