Can any Brits help me on some WW 2 Q's

Hi there

I have just joined the form, and I must say its been a long time in waiting to find such a place where yo can get some good solid info, and to be able to find experienced knowledgeable people who can help me.

I really needed to speak to some Brits about some questions about the war, maybe OZZ also.

any help would be greatly appreciated

Well, go ahead and ask your questions!

Hi, I sent a pm to you.

10-02-2006, 11:28 PM #159
Lowlife Bad***

Join Date: May 2004
Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 4,508
Most ass-kicking militarily is unquestionably the Germans. Name another country that could take on Russia, England, Poland, France, Norway, the U.S., Czechoslovakia, Greece, the Middle East, North Africa, and too many other countries to name – simultaneously – and make it a tough contest.

Britain has done well in wars, but it’s a hell of a lot easier to do well in wars when you live on a GODDAMN ISLAND that you can run back to — see, e.g., Japan, Australia, etc.

None of this has much to do with “toughness” as an individual quality however. If I had to pick toughness, I’d go with the Slavs, and among the Slavs, probably the Balkan slavs, with the Serbs near the top for the brutality thrown in.

Here is one of the posts I am talking about

You need to re-read your history. After the British fled, tail between their legs, back to their island when they got their ass whipped trying to fight the Germans without Americans and Russians on their side, they fought the Battle of Britain — air defense against part of the German air force, all of Britain striving desperately to survive on its own island against one part of one branch of the German military, and barely hanging on at that, even with massive American logistical support. Meanwhile, the Russians were out fighting the real war.

The British didn’t blow up any German cities during the Battle of Britain (apart from mounting a feeble retaliatory strike on Berlin), they were too busy trying to survive. Only after the Russians had inflicted devastating losses on the Germans, and the Americans had entered the war, did the Brits become capable of striking back at Germany in any meaningful fashion.

Here is another post I quoted from the other board, how would you answer this back?


Most ass-kicking militarily is unquestionably the Germans.[/quote]

“Ass-kicking?” :rolleyes: The Wehrmacht was very well trained and competent due to a variety of factors too numerous to list. The German troops had some excellent equipment, tactics, and could adapt very well.

However, they also had weaknesses. Ask an American soldier that fought in the Battle of the Bulge what he thinks of German infantry tactics (when you took away their armor) and he’ll tell you they were suicidally incompetent (according to Ambrose “Citizen Soldiers”) There are dozens of accounts of German soldiers simply walking to US positions during an attack, and getting mowed down in the snow, since they had forgotten to teach them offense.

German War industry was also wholly outproduced by the Allies, especially the US and USSR in nearly every category. And despite having some of the finest tanks, they also had a logistics system that was often horse and cart.

Name another country that could take on Russia, England, Poland, France, Norway, the U.S., Czechoslovakia, Greece, the Middle East, North Africa, and too many other countries to name – simultaneously – and make it a tough contest.

Now you’re picking out favorable spin. For instance, you could also say that Britain was fighting Italy, Vichy France, Germany alone for a time, as well as hostile Middle Eastern States. You are also leaving out the fact that Germany had fascist allies in most of the countries they conquered. Italy, Vichy France, Finland, Romania, Hungry, Croatia --in addition, various factions in the Middle East and Europe were all German allies. And you make it sound as if Germany fought all of those countries at once. The Fatherland took them piece meal.

Britain has done well in wars, but it’s a hell of a lot easier to do well in wars when you live on a GODDAMN ISLAND that you can run back to — see, e.g., Japan, Australia, etc.

Britain also held out against the Germans and Italians alone for some months after France fell.

And perhaps you can tell us why Hitler never invaded Britain in Op. Sealion?

None of this has much to do with “toughness” as an individual quality however. If I had to pick toughness, I’d go with the Slavs, and among the Slavs, probably the Balkan slavs, with the Serbs near the top for the brutality thrown in.

I have no idea what this means. But the Germans were very smart and efficient as well as “tough” as they employed a level of technology and tactics that was initially ahead of the Allies that they had been rehearsing since even before Hitler took power while nations like France were just preparing to re-fight WWI. This is partly because of circumstances such as the Versailles Treaty, which ultimately causing the German Army to experiment with new ideas as they could not match their traditional border enemies. But the Allies caught up, and in many respects bettered them.

This is a very simplistic and inaccurate statement for people who have little knowledge of the subject and an inability to look up the facts.

The German army took on Czechoslovakia by removing its defences though very good diplomacy and use of western Europe’s unwillingness to go to war. They marched in with very little opposition. They also acquire some excellent tanks and weapons.

Poland was a prefabricated attack with the threat of Russia on the eastern Polish border. At this time Germany is allied to Russia. Poland was attacked and overwhelmed with attacks form the German army on 1st Sep39 and Russia on the 17th. At this time the United States proclaims neutrality and will remain so till the end of 42.

In April 40 the Germans invade Norway and Denmark. Norway surrenders in the second week of June.

France and the Low countries are next on May 10th. Holland surrenders 5 day latter and Belgium 13 days after. Dunkirk has already started by this time.

France surrenders towards the end of June, ho and Italy has declared war on Britain by this time.

By September Italy is invading Egypt and by October they attack Greece (no that can’t be right it was the Germans who were fitting every one all at once). It is not until the following year that the Germans enter Greece or Africa to support the Italians. Rumania and Hungary by this time are on the German side.

I could go on but you can see that the Germans are not fighting all at the same time. You also have a force that is confident they can win any battle, this is a major force multiplier. So they are a very competent force but not supermen.

What forum is this from? I would be interested in more of this purile uninformed drivel. Many diffrent years rolled into one as 2nd of Foots post so finely sums it up.

Yes he sertainly does.

No the Russians were on the German side at this time. And the US would not have been of much help as the US army consisted of about 175,000 men this would also include the air corps. So the BEF was over trice the size of the US army at this time.

Ho good one. So only one part of the German forces Was fighting only one part of one part of the British force (fighter command). Where was rest of the Luftwaffe at this time, getting pist in Paris? So a force of 1,260 bombers; 316 dive-bombers; 1,089 fighters is only one part, a sodding big part.

What massive US logistical support? Lend-lease was not signed till March 41 so 5 months after the BoB has ended.

Again no. Operation Barbarossa started in June 41 almost a year after the start of the BoB.

Quite correct as he has already stated it was a defensive battle by the RAF. Bomber command had difficulties hitting the right country let alone the right city. They also had an aversion to attacking private property still.

No but the German High Seas Fleet remained in port and the Germans had been defeated at El Alamein.

So all-in-all not a very accurate assessment of the opening stages of the war and Britain is now fighting in the Far East.

You will need to be a bit more specific as I have got to page 9and not found it.

A professional wrestling forum? LOL

why not. some of the topics are interesting. i have come accross one ify one but hte rest seem very ok.

Does anyone else think that rant seems a little bit… Ferrous?

Graeme, does that poster ever rant on about how good the M1 carbine was, and how it was the first assault rifle? about two thirds of the way down.

I read about half a page, then I came across this

Originally Posted by explosives
In 1603 King James I of England led a massive assault on Scotland pillaging and ravaging through the land. The Scottish people were forced into labour, which in our modern day would look like slavery. Source Wikipedia
:shock: :roll:

Where do they get such nonsense ? :mad:

James I of England, only became king of England on the death of Elizabeth I in 1603, before then he had another job, he was James VI of Scotland.
James I or VI (depending on what side of the border you live on) was the Scottish king who united the two kingdoms of England and Scotland, forming the United Kingdom.

Needless to say, he had no need to launch an assault on his own country:roll:

ps, He got the job because he was the closest blood relative of Queen Elizabeth I, his grandmother was Mary Tudor, sister of Henry VIII of England.

Mel Gibson films?:slight_smile:

You’re right. Hell I mod a political forum on a board dedicated to a rock singer that hasn’t been relevant since 1991 at the latest, maybe not even since 1985.

Does anyone else think that rant seems a little bit… Ferrous?

Graeme, does that poster ever rant on about how good the M1 carbine was, and how it was the first assault rifle?

It would seem so, rather typical of posts; poorly researched, historically inaccurate and full of vitriol.

However the screen name isn’t close enough & I’d have thought he’d have been loath to give the name up - unless he’s already been banned from that site in another guise.
I would really like to imagine that there are not two clowns of that calibre in the US, but experience and the law of averages would suggest otherwise.

That’s the problem of the Internet - on cannot prevent mongs posting kak…

No its not a wresting forum, its a Mixed martial arts forum. Which caters for kickboxing, Jujitsu, boxing, judo, strength and conditioning, and a war room with political issues.

Now in the Off topic section its gloves off more or less, you can really let fly and give people a real tongue lashing, that’s why its good to get some real facts to give the two fingers up at them. So many people argue with each other its unreal.

Thanks for everyone contributing in this, your help has been very useful