Can we ban alphanumeric spammers when they join?

99.9% of random alphanumeric user names such as gfhijk56 will probably be spammers, and they will definitely be spammers if they show their location as 1 or 11.

I think that if we got rid of them when they first appear it would avoid them posting and avoid us having to delete their posts.

If they can’t even post their first post they’ll lose interest in trying, unlike the existing never-dead who keep coming back after being banned.

Just as an example, I would have banned this latest member on appearance.

If I’m correct, he’ll be a spammer.

how would we do that though? also the current spam system, doesn’t it work nicely?

Yeah, as far as I’m concerned the only problem those spammers give is cluttering up the members list. Very little spam actually gets through the spam filter now, and the work involved in dealing with it is far less than the work involved in trawling through the list of alphanumeric spammers and deleting them.

Besides, some may be genuine. After all, look at my username!