Canadian Forces Poster Mystery!

Ok there is this Canadian forces poster down at the armouries where I’m always at for band and my friend and I noticed this tank on here seems…out of place.

Now…are we crazy…or is that a German WW2 Panther (though it looks almost a tad modern) on the left?? You tell me! Cause its been bugging us for awhile.

It does look like a modern version of a Panther. Below is a similar angle from a Panther. You can 1st notice 2 things. The one in the poster has a skirt for the tracks. Secondly it has a driver’s sight on the other side. Could be someone just took an image of a Panther and made it look more modern. Dont know!

It look like the Ausf D variant of the Pz V.

Well the case has been solved! And you wont believe where that picture is from…

A video game!! lmao.

spitting image

Nice find!How did you find that out?

no surprise to see german tanks in canadian force, after all, canada did buy a number of Leopard C2 in the 70s.

BC first my Canadian friend! (A little CBC radio lingo)