Canadian section

Is it possible to have a Canadain section .
Thank you for any reply

I’m not sure if there is enough demand for that. I’ll make you a deal. If there are a lot of Canadian WW2 discussions, then I can always create the subsection and move the topics.

I think that along with the 31 pages of images in the photo section there should be a place to discuss the Canadian military. Only makes sense.


Like I said, post it all in the ‘other military units’ section and if there are enough posts, then I will gladly create a ‘Canadian Military’ section.

Thanks for the reply . Canadain troops and querys were found under the" British "section of a number of other sites ive been on . Kind of proactive to draw new members of the "Canadain type " to this one .
I do however see your point . Thanks again ( typicial Canadain , saying thanks twice in one post ) …LOL

Being in Canada myself, I do want to see more Canadian discussions.