Canadian Spitfire in Italy - Canadian Forces | Gallery

Canadian Spitfire in Italy

Venafro Airfield, Region of the Molise, South-Central Italy, April 1944: a large puddle on the pierced steel planking of the tarmac reflecting a Spitfire LFVIII, aircraft AN-U, s/n JF880, of Royal Canadian Air Force’s 417 Squadron, "City of Windsor". Victor Sierra

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Excellent photo, interesting reflection of the aircraft in the water !

The LF in the designation refers to a Low-Level Fighter. Whilst many LF Spitfires had clipped wing tips to provide a faster Rate of Roll, this modification is not the defining feature that many people think it is. In this image, the LFVIII obviously has standard wingtips. The actual defining component is the engine/supercharger combination with the latter having a cropped impellor to maximise power at low altitudes.