Canadians advance through the streets of Caen - Canadian Forces | Gallery

Canadians advance through the streets of Caen

This is what it is to capture a city. This is liberation. Canadian mop-up troops pick their way through the ruins of Caen, alert for snipers, mines, boobytraps, tripwires, falling masonry. Not much hope of a night on the town here.

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Me thinks that allied bombers actually did most of this damage. The order was given to bomb Caen in order to dislodge German troops who took up positions in the city. War is hell.

I think you are right Trap77. The Americans bombed Caen and accidentally destroyed a Canadian tank regiment at the time.

Sad but commuaications between combat units was hit and miss at best during WW2. Even today we still have alot of frindly fire deaths.