Can't Log into "Mod" Administrative Panel

When I try to log into the Admin function to delete or ban spammers, I get a blank field saying only “Get me out of this frame set.”

It does that to me as well. anyone talked to Procyon about it?

Works for me. We are talking about , right?

Thats the one, I’ve cleared all cookies, and dumped the browser cache, all of that, but still get that page. I have PM’d Procyon about it, he suggested the cookies/cache clearing, but no soap so far.

Site under attack?

Posted by iginocoggi on Tue 21 Feb 2012 03:09:32 PM EST (
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The same for me. Today Norton has blocked some attack's attempts to my PC. Thanks for you message. Victor Sierra
Posted by brummbar on Tue 21 Feb 2012 02:00:00 PM EST (
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Not related to this photo but would like to pass this message to the admins:
Each time I open WW2incolor today I get an infected webpage message from my antivirus.Don't know if that is only related to my Pc or if other members get also...

No problem logging-in to the MCP on my part.

I havn’t had any intrusion attempts, just cant get to the MCP. Procyon said he made some changes, and we should wait for the cache to rebuild, and that it may take a couple days.

Must be an IP thing…

I asked my son about the problem, he mentioned something called “apache” something to do with a server, but its all Greek to me.

More people speak Greek than speak Apache. :slight_smile:

In any case, everything seems to be working for me now…

Very true, for those who enjoy mysterious languages, I would recommend Glasgow. (learning apache could cost you your hair) And yep, I can access the MCP now.

You a fan of Rab C Nesbitt then? I watched an episode with my wife once, the look of incomprehension on her face was priceless :wink:

i’ll have to look for that, sounds like fun . I have watched travel shows where Weegies were speaking, and had subtitles. For those who might enjoy some Rab C.

The forum template has changed again, we had this before a couple of months ago.
The top bar of options is pretty much gone. MCP can only be accessed via profile pages.

Also there’s a new error message on the photo site. Maybe it’s my recent PC here at work (which I doubt) but I can neither post comments nor delete them.

This problem seems to be solved, the new error message is still there though…

Fatal error: Smarty error: [in includes/footer.php line 4]: syntax error: unrecognized tag ‘global’ (Smarty_Compiler.class.php, line 583) in /home/ww2admin/public_html/lib/smarty/Smarty.class.php on line 1095

I can’t get to the homepage when I google the site, it gives me this:Unable to add cookies, header already sent.
File: /home/ww2admin/public_html/forum/index.php
Line: 23
This has been only since mid day, as I signed in this morning in the usual way with no problems. I had to click on an existing thread link from google to get in, then I could sign in. I had posted this in a separate thread, but if anyone has an idea, would be glad to hear it. I can still get to the photo side no prblem, and interact there, but not here so much. I have PM’d Procyon about it, maybe he can sort it.

care to elaborate? I’m not sure what you mean.

In a nut shell, when I google the site, it populates the list of choices, and if I choose the forum homepage, and click on it, I get this.[object%20Object]
I would have to select an active thread from the choices for the site, then I can get in, and log on.