Canucks at Caen, 1944. - Canadian Forces | Gallery

Canucks at Caen, 1944.

Canadian infantrymen at the liberation of Caen, 1944. Probably a posed photo (unless the photographer was feeling particularly suicidal). Somewhere along the way, these lads seem to have acquired an old French-built Hotchkiss Mle1914 machine gun, a very useful piece of kit of WW1 vintage, but used by the French Army in 1939-'40. This example, presumably, had been recycled into German use in 1940, and again into Canadian use in 1944. Note also the "Turtle" helmets, the first major modification on the old British Brodie "tin hat". The Canadians were to the fore in adopting this pattern of helmet. Best regards, JR.

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The “turtles” (Mk III, IV and V - differing in liner type mostly) remained in service until the early 1990’s.