Captured French half track - German Armored Forces & Vehicles | Gallery

Captured French half track

A captured French half track.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Note the roller on the front of the vehicle. The theory was that when going into a ditch, if the front of the vehicle came into contact with the ground, the roller would enable the nose the ride up the other side as the tracks pushed from the back. The same feature was present on many vehicles of the era including the US series of half-tracks although many of those were fitted with a powered winch which proved more useful.

The gun looks very strange, it looks actually as if the gun is removec and that the mount is used as a carrier for something.

The gun is stil there. This is 15 cm sIG 33

Because barrel and recoil cilinders is more ahead from the axle due to the high angle of fire, when the barrel is lovered, from this side the cariage looks empty.