Years ago I was perusing a “coffee table” book of WW2 photographs
in color. One of the photographs was a Fw190 A5 captured by the
85th Fighter squadron(part of the 79th Fighter Group) in Italy. The
fighter was painted red and yellow with US markings. Does anybody
have that photo handy that could be scanned and e-mailed to me or
any other information/renderings of that aircraft?

THanks for the help in advance.

Did you look through our gallery? There is a red fw190 there with American markings…not sure if that’s the one you’re looking for.

This is the picture posted back in gallery:

Yes I did. The Fw190 you showed me is not the one. This one was
painted different in that parts of the wings and fuselage were
painted yellow. Thanks for the suggestion. The answer is somewhere
out there. Hopefully we will get a positive result soon.

Juan R-S

I’m pretty sure one of us will find it.

did american pilots fly the captured 109s in combat? if they did, anyone know what they thought of it?

I don’t think they ever had enough to take them into combat, I think they just used them to compare performance. The Russians did, they captured allot more and even had squadrons that consist entirely of FW-190s.

Is this the one?

Photo was taken by a pilot from the US Army Air Corps by the name of Charles Jaslow, among other awards he received the Distinguished Flying Cross.

Photograph from

Additional information from his obituary at

I think we got a winner!

Hallelluyah!!! That’s the one I saw in the book. One more question,
Are there more photographs of this aircraft-even in black/white?
Again thanks a million for the assist.
If possible, this photo should be included in the German color photo

Juan R-S

Sorry I couldn’t find any more photographs of that specific captured FU-190 although there is a number of b/w photos available of other ones.

However I suggest you try to get hold of a copy of a film that MIGHT include some footage of it.

“A Day with the A-36’s” apparently includes footage of a captured 190 taken in Sicily which is where your red and yellow bird was photographed at around about the same time. Might be a wild goose chase but could be worth following up

The video was discussed in the forums here

Link to the site with the video here

Apparently you can download it from the site but my computer doesn’t seem to like the file

The Canadians had 2 captured U-Boats. Sorry kinda of topic

Are all these a/c target tugs ?