Cavlary in Russia - Hungarian Forces | Gallery

Cavlary in Russia

Hungarian cavalry in a Russian village

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

In terms of equipment and Armament, the Hungarian cavalry division was ill-suited until demands of the second half of the war.
This image is in Russia 1944

On a closer look, I really doubt that the photo shows solely Hungarian horsemen, despite such a designation given by the original German source. The uniforms and even the horses do not look "Hungarian" but may be instead Germans or other Axis soldiers. The only exception may be one or two of the men sitting down, but actually they are too difficult to see well.

A more accurate title may be "Axis cavalry on the Eastern front." If the date given is correct, by 1944 the location might have been indeed the "USSR," but most likely not "Russia" any more. Best wishes.