Che Guevara - Anatomy of a Myth, Hero or Demon?

Considered as an hero of the revolutionarism,an argentine born man called Ernesto Guevara de la Serna better known as Che Guevara is considered as the oposition of the evil capitalism for most of the left extremists and comunists,this man loved and hated seems to be the “voice of the people”,but he is nothing more than a killer,a cold person without any feelings who liked being considered as an hero,arrogant,he killed a lot of people, civilians who didn’t join to his “fair cause” and armymen,just to transform the world in a socialist one,he served to the totalitarism that nowadays is destroying cuba and having them under a terrible dictatorship comparable to adolf hitler’s,this man was a coward,he always fought behind hundreds of terrorists.
A racist men, who considered the mexicans and the rest of non-white latin american as inferior,also he really loved to see the blood of his enemies and killing them,no one in his guerrilla team liked him,he wasn’t only arrogant,he discriminated his mates and he wanted to be the center of attention.

Thanks to this brute cuba is ruled by a maniac and he,the man who declares himself as the enemy of the capitalism is the most common icon in all the comercial shirts, this is your hero?,people teaches in school the shit that the government says.

I want to give you a light of truth,here you have a great movie that explains you why the che wasn’t the good guy:

mirror *1:
mirror *2:


before his death,when he was going to be killed,he raised his carbine and said:

“I surrender,don’t kill me,im the che,im more valious alive than dead”

This is your hero,more info at: (in spanish).

Relax, man. It’s not casual that the relator is a cuban in others land (180 km in the north) please, don’t be so soluble with that! I don’t defend him, but please, open your eyes, compare, and be conclusious. Regads. 8)

But lad,it’s historical,also it has high credibility,the guys who participated in the revolution (in che’s side) are talking there too!,and making him look bad,the truth is that i know both sides and im afraid he is a terrible son of the pitch,i hope he is having shitty days in the hell.

hug and handshake


He was a nasty bloke, but you have to credit him with accomplishing what he wanted achieved. I’ve never really been sure what to think, I see him on people’s T-shirts and “hoodies” I have often asked people about him and half the people don’t even know his name and just wear it to be “cool” others only wear it because he was a rebel and thats what they want to be, very few really know what he did.

you’re right, nothing than T-shirts whith his face…

That’s right! :twisted:

Thanks for the videos Erwin, very informative.

It’s funny because he is regarded as one of the most successful revolutionaries, but really he didn’t get a single thing done. He encouraged a lot of people, but he didn’t do almost anything.

By the way, Erwin, your translation is a little warped.

“I surrender, don’t kill me, I’m Che, I’m more valuable alive than dead”

He was a mass-murdering bastard who took a peculiar and personal interest in the torture and execution of his victims. Even Castro had to tell him to tone down the executions after the revolution.

He helped to run Cuba’s economy into the ground – one of his ideas was that the price of goods should be determined by their social worth, not the cost of production nor supply and demand.

The problem is, that many people are prepared to forget these things, purely because he is a left-wing revolutionary. “If you want to make an omelette” etc etc etc.

If you ever see photos or T-shirts of him in a shop, asked the purveyor why they are selling items with the image of a mass murderer on them.

An interesting article:

Thanks for that article Man of Stoat, they should print that letter from Pierre San Martin on the back of every item of Che clothing and people may think twice about buying it and wearing!

Erwin’s words are right but they were not his last words, his last words were

“I know you are here to kill me. Shoot, coward, you are only going to kill a man”

The words Erwin posted was what he said when he was surrounded, wounded and his rifle damaged.


Erwin’s words are right but they were not his last words, his last words were

“I know you are here to kill me. Shoot, coward, you are only going to kill a man”

The words Erwin posted was what he said when he was surrounded, wounded and his rifle damaged.


Techincally I was wrong too. I was recalling it from memory, but here is what Wikipedia says:

“Do not shoot! I am Che Guevara and worth more to you alive than dead”

What I had quoted in my original post was my attempt to correct it. The word valious has no definition in English (well I’ll check my giant dictionary tomorrow just to be sure. But both Google and don’t have a definition for it). That was the part I was trying to change. Sorry for the mix-up.

Erwin’s words are right but they were not his last words, his last words were

“I know you are here to kill me. Shoot, coward, you are only going to kill a man”

The words Erwin posted was what he said when he was surrounded, wounded and his rifle damaged.

:lol: ,you have to see the video firstly mate,thanks to dermann for correting me.

Interesting topic, unfortunately with the new current of neo-comunism or civiliced marxims that affected Latin-america and other countries in the world , not very often you can actually see the real facts behind the mith.

In my opinion in the beggining the guy want something good for the people but when embraced the most neolithic marxism-Leninism he gone out of control.

Is suggested for some historians that he was the responsible for bringing the nuclear missiles to Cuba in the early 1960.

Unfortunately is there is too many books and some that promoted Guevara to the level of semi-god, I had seen 2 books of french autors that give a very favorable ( and false) image of this marxist guy.

apart from those who disagreed with him, whom his sense of “revolutionary justice” often led him to shoot on the spot with his side arm, of course…

He was a trained doctor as well wasn’t he?

he was a professional,a doctor,yes.

Obviously didn’t take his hippocratic oath very seriously then… :shock:

What do you mean?

Really, the image of the Che, is stronger outside the Argentina, we do not
worry about he, must be because in that days, began a terrorist wave inside the country. :arrow:

Im 21,and i can tell you there are a lot of jerks who have my age and love him!,of course,im from porteñoland, here there are a lot of leftist and foreigners who don’t give a shit for our country,that’s the bad part,and they are fanatics of this freaking faggot.
