Children of war

A shame that I can not read a thing on the site.
I’ve seen lots of photos -taken by German soldiers- showing very young Soviet kids smoking. I was always wondering about that…

not the worst case for you, my friend.
You at least can’t read the few wild anti-german comment down the photos…
The children which lost all their parents has a tend to become the wild, especially when they don’t know how longer they will live in a wartime…

Now you made me curious. I liked that one: “Germany is located under the influence of Mars which contributes to the periodic output of destructive energy.”:shock:
(С точки зрения Астрологии Германия находится под влиянием “Марса”, что способствует периодическому выходу разрушительной энергии и рождению лидеров считающих себя генетически выше всех.)

Germany is located under the influence of Mars which contributes to the periodic output of destructive energy… and born of leaders who consider himself as genetically superior.
The highly dusputable sentence , if to think which country was involved into the almost any military conflict of 20 cent. Definitelly not the GErmany…

I only recall one of those…and he was Austrian.:wink: