Chilltime for Hitler ... - Posters Artwork Documents | Gallery

Chilltime for Hitler ...

As the recent Winter Olympics in Putinland recede into memory (except, perhaps, an impending shooting competition in the Ukraine), it is, perhaps, worth remembering that the Fuhrer had his Winter Olympics, too. In the prewar period of the modern Olympics, it was usual (or at least permissible) for the Winter Olympics to be staged in the same country as the Summer Olympics. The fourth Winter Olympiad was, in fact, staged in Germany at Garmisch-Partenkirchen in Bavaria between February 6 and 16, 1936 - obviously predating the famous "Nazi" Olympiad of the same year's Summer. The event was organized by the Reich Sports Office under the immediate control of career sports official Karl, Ritter von Halt, appointed to the post by another career sports official, "Reich Sports Leader" Hans von Tschammer und Osten. The sports end of Naziism was pretty aristocratic. The official logo of the Games, seen here, was, well, totally neutral as far Naziism was concerned. So the Winter Games were, by contrast with the Summer Nazifest, pretty neutral, devoted to pure sporting values and endeavor ? Well ... JR.

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Dear JR, I hope you don’t mind my re-upload of your picture. Please continue with your intended sequence.