Chinese history

there is two major power in china before the war, one is communists back up by soviet, and the one is democratic (not really) is back up by US. They are at war with each other until the japanese invade them, they temporily forge an alliance until the war ends, then the civil war begins again.

I kind of hate the communist government, my family used to be very rich in shanghai, we own a factory and we have tons of maids, but the communists comes and take this away from us and we have to start over again in Hong Kong. We are so poor at that point we have to eat tree bark. :evil:

yeah!,long life for the capitalism!!! :twisted:

You hate communists part,that’s not your fault
But communists really saved many lives in china in that time.
for example,
thost maids in your family’s factorys must not hate the communists part.
hate it or not is determined on weather you get benefits or not. but, not every one gets benefits, some one wins equals some one lose.
for your family, it’s so bad. but for a large number of citizens, the china communist party is great!
this is something like the northern korea
May be americans thinks peoples there have no rights, but, the majority of peoples of northern korea thinks they are living in a wonderful country! that’s the most important! because a happy life is judged by who living in it but not by bystander.
of course, this is only some a example.
another example is the civil war of US
before the war. slave owners have a happy life but slaves not. after that, slave owners no longer have such benefits but slaves have a new life.
Civil wars in all countrys is just such thing.
Some poors get rich, some richs get poor.

That’s true :smiley:

i want to post some pictures of modern chinese soliders, i don’t know is it good to post theme here as it is a forum of WWII :?:
i will just post one here and if you like it, i will continue

this pictures comes from ERNA Raid 2004
this is the first time that ERNA Raid have chinese soliders joined

I’m sure people love the Chinese government, just not those people who have had relatives killed by it. I’m sure the 30M killed in the “Great Leap Forward” by man-made famine don’t really love it either. And I’m sure if you’re kept cut-off from the outside & constantly told that where you live is great & the rest of the world is sh1t (just like in all communist countries) then you’d love it too.

The chinese govt is so afraid of words, that I could string a simple sentence together on here that will mean that this site gets banned in china. One is the “F” word, the other is the “D” word. Mentioning the place beginning with “T” in the same sentence as the “F” word is also a good one for that. The great, powerful, good, mighty People’s Government is afraid of words. Always has been. It’s the same in Communist countries everywhere.

Oh, and if anyone’s thinking of agreeing with Firenze’s post re people liking Communism, replace “communist” by “Nazi”, “China” with “Germany” and “North Korea” with “Hungary” (or “Romania” or any other fascist client state), and it’ll be just as true.

If there’s anything worse than Nazis, it’s Communists.

Thanks for your contribution, Firenze
if you have knowledge outside chinese military, please do not hesitate to post more

certainly i won’t be hesitated to do that

Have you had the experience living in china?
Have you REALLY know how people lives in china?

I hope you can understand the point that, people of all country have no interest in communism or capitalism, they just like or love which gives them a happy life. no matter which party is in charge. the party gives them a better life is a better party!
China Communist Party do give chinese such a better life, so chinese love the party.

may be in your eyes, communist is such a ugly thing that even nazi is better than it. But, if you do not really undestand what have communist bring chinese. please do not express such a ideal!

What you said at least is partly true
but this happens in all countrys!
no matter it is capitalism or communism
It seems you live in a capitalism country
May be china government is so strict in this aspect, but i hope you could understand that it’s much better than ever before, even better than the time that china was controlled by Kuomintang(a capitalism party, Leader: Jiang Jieshi)!
If chinese governments do really afraid of such words
How can i type these words here?

China government may be not good enough in your eyes
but to me, to the majority of people in china. Its good enough and even goes better!


Have you had the experience living in china?
Have you REALLY know how people lives in china?

I hope you can understand the point that, people of all country have no interest in communism or capitalism, they just like or love which gives them a happy life. no matter which party is in charge. the party gives them a better life is a better party!
China Communist Party do give chinese such a better life, so chinese love the party.

may be in your eyes, communist is such a ugly thing that even nazi is better than it. But, if you do not really undestand what have communist bring chinese. please do not express such a ideal!
Firenze, for sure Man of Stoat don’t know how people lives under communism but I do know!!!
I agree 100% with his point of view. Chinese loves the party because the party allowed some economic experiments in China. I wonder also if Chinese people loved the Mao era…(remember that we Romanians had Ceausescu!!!).

Hey guys
do not let our topic goes from WWII to politics

Firenze, agree with you :lol:

Have you had the experience living in china?
Have you REALLY know how people lives in china?

I hope you can understand the point that, people of all country have no interest in communism or capitalism, they just like or love which gives them a happy life. no matter which party is in charge. the party gives them a better life is a better party!
China Communist Party do give chinese such a better life, so chinese love the party.

may be in your eyes, communist is such a ugly thing that even nazi is better than it. But, if you do not really undestand what have communist bring chinese. please do not express such a ideal!
Firenze, for sure Man of Stoat don’t know how people lives under communism but I do know!!!
I agree 100% with his point of view. Chinese loves the party because the party allowed some economic experiments in China. I wonder also if Chinese people loved the Mao era…(remember that we Romanians had Ceausescu!!!).[/quote]

Chinese do love Mao era
Just like russian like Lenin
In mao era
more than 99% people in china have really a happy life!
of course, this does not include the time of Cultural Revolution
That’s his fault.
But, such a fault is too small compares with his contribution of liberate our homeland!

Off-topic for last time:
Exactly about Cultural Revolution time I was talking about…

you know
do not let our homeland controlled by japanese is the most important thing.
Without freedom, all others are bullshit
so chinese love mao era because that’s in a totaled different inner and outer environments
But now
it’s different
peoples are different
our key target is different
and the environments is different
so if you just compare Mao era to now
That will be different
We love our society of this time
and we also love mao era
At least that’s my opinion

Off-topic for last time:
Exactly about Cultural Revolution time I was talking about…[/quote]

if just to this point
i must say
it a crazy time
leaders are crazy
people are crazy
the whole country is crazy…

The Communists and the Kuomintang (not really “capitalist” - they modelled themselves on European fascists) were more worried about saving their strength to continue the civil war after the japs had been defeated, so were not as effective against the Japs as they could have been.

The Chinese love Mau cos they’ve been told to. Just like the Russians & Lenin/Stalin (even at a time where practically everyone personally knew someone in GULAG or executed for so-called “political crimes” - that’s what totalitarianism can achieve for you). Hell, the man killed the population of the country where I live several times over.

This is a useful site for estimated death tolls due to various wars & regimes - it’s a fairly comprehensive literature review that attempts to form a “best guess” estimate by looking at the literature (wouldn’t be surprised if this site is inaccessible in China):

From there (to keep on-topic), he cites Walker:

1st Civil War (1927-36): .25-.5M
Fighting during Sino-Japanese War (1937-45): 50,000
2nd Civil War (1945-49): 1.25M

so that’s about 25-50k deaths/year in 1st civil war, about 5.6k deaths/year in Sino-Jap war, and about 250k deaths/year in 2nd civil war. Interesting figures, I’d say. Some interesting conclusions about the vigour with which the Chinese fought the Japanese compared to fighting their civil war and thus their priorities could be drawn from them, but I’ll leave the readers to draw their own conclusions. :?

one of the most famous war in chinese history is fought like this
general Cao Cao has recently won a hugh war against another strong general to conquer the north side of china, most of his soldiers who join this war are those who surrenders to him in that war, since most of them are from north, they are not used to water battle in the south side, which is one of the reasons why they are defeated (soldiers about 500,000). His Empire’s name is Wei


General Lao is the weakest among the three power, but he has a very good commander that lead him to victories, its him to setup ambushes so that Cao Cao would have a tough time after his defeat, and this general gain the most from this war. His empire would call Shu

General zuan doesn’t have much good generals, what they have is very good soldiers who can fight good in water battles
these two sides combine to have about 30,000 soldiers. His empire would call Wu
so its about 10 to 1

Cao Cao has already face a lot of problems in the first phase of the war, many resources are needed for the hugh armies (this proves hugh armies can be a liability in war), soldiers are getting sick because they are not used in water battles, and they often lose small battles to general zuan due to lack of experience in water battle. To trick Cao Cao, General Zuan has send a spy to Cao Cao, suggesting him that his battleships should be bounded together by some metal stick, so that his ship would not go side to side to cause soliders to be sick (do you understand this part?). Later that month, General Zuan has sent out one of his general to have a fake surrender to Cao Cao, he promised cao cao that he would come to his base with serveral boats carying a lot of food with him; however, as he moved closer to cao cao’s base, one of the cao cao’s generals has notice the boat is going in a very fast speed, but how can that happen if the boat are carrrying a lot of foods, those must be woods to burn our ships. Cao Cao notice that as well but its already too late to stop them, ships cannot escaped because they are bounded together with metal stick, many solders are either drowned to death or killed in confusion. As Cao Cao attempting to retreat to his nearby city, but general Lao has sent out military force to conquer many of those cities or setup ambushes to try to kill Cao Cao. when Cao Cao nearly reached his city, one of the general’'s Lao general show up, but that general let Cao Cao go because that general used to work for Cao Cao, many people said its critical mistake to put that general in that position or general A could have benifit more from that.