Chinese Military

Here let me post some infos of chinese military during world war 2!

you know it’s hard to translate those infos into english. :evil:
so please wait for some days let me find and translate them
thanks! :wink:

That would be great. :smiley: I dont know much about the Chinese Military of WW2. Please feel free to add as much as you can. Welcome to the site.

He Long(the left one). Leader of the 8th army, 120 Divisions.
this is a Army belongs to Communist Party

General Li Zongren at the Railway Station of Tai’erzhuang.
This photo was taken after the great victory in Tai’erzhuang(1938,4,8),
General Li Zongren belongs to Guomindang. Maybe the word Guomindang can be translated as Citizens’ Party but may not pricise[/img]

Chinese army prevent japanese army from advancing
Photo taken in Lin Yi where is near to Tai’erzhuang

1st dep of United Anti-japanese army of East Hebei province[/img]

Zhou Enlai with members of Xinsijun(Can be translated as the New 4th Army)
Zhou Enlai is one of the leaders of Communist Party of China and Xinsijun is an Communist Party Army

guerilla of Southern China

Qin Dynasty of China
May. Japan send 3600+ military forces in to Taiwan Province of China.shed blood of local citizens
1894 Japan attack china Navy force at Feng Island. Heavy damaged Jiyuan and Guangyi(Both military). Sinked Gaosheng(Transport). and here start Jiawu Sea wars of Sino-japan.

… (so long)
United force of Japan, Russia, England, United States, Germany, French, Italian and Austria - Hungary Attacks Beijing(Capital of China). kills, rapes, robs …

WWI Breakout
japan acts in china
and Qin dynasty ends near this time.
(i can’t remember precisely. at least in few years before or after)
Matter 918 happens. Japan assault northern-east of china and seized there.
No.731 force set up. this force use bacteria to fight and they do alive-test on citizens of china. photos will be provided later

Matter of Lugouqiao(Bridge of Lugou) happens.
japan military force starts there total assault in china.
December 13rd.
Japan Forces seized the Nanjin, Capital of china in that time. kills burns rapes robs and made more than 300000 citizens. burns down about 1/3 houses of Nanjing.
this day was memorized by all chinese!

it to long
japanese gets out of china in 1945
from 1938 to 1945, chinese forces, no matter just local guard force of some provinces or Military forces of communist party and Guomindang, all united to against japanese forces
from 1937 to 1945
there are only 8 provinces avoided war fires in this war.
more than 35000000 peoples of china dead in this time span.

WWII for chinese can understand as Anti-Japan war.
it’s a great war that we chinese united to fight against japanese to keep our homeland!
my english is not good enough so i don’t know which point i have not explain clearly.
for any misunderstandings
just post after this one or mail me
i will try my best to tell you:)

Great pictures. I hear there is still much tension between Japan and China today because of what the Japanese did during the occupation of Manchuria. Is this true???

There is allot of tension between China and Japan because of allot of reasons. The most recent being, Koizumis visit to a Japanese shrine that is honouring the Japanese war dead of WW2.

BBC article:

Qin dynasty end in year 1912, after qin’s most powerful man, yuen, betrayed them and turn into the democracy side, however, he didnt do it for the country’s good, he did it because he was offered to be prime minister. Qin government collapsed because all the military would only listen to yuen and refuse to fight for the qin dynasty against the rebell army

dont know if that is the main reason or not, but killing over 200,000 people in nanking would build a lot of tension between japanese and chinese

I think the lack of any evidence of Japanese contrition or even willingness to admit what they did also sours things.

I’m really sorry that i didn’t reply for such a long time
i have just travel to shanghai to do some investigation on ITS for my essay.

about the problems between japan and china.
may be all the reasons your provided is true.

Actually, i think german is much more better than japanese
at least they admit their fault in WWII
but most japanese never admit what they did in WWII
they told there citizens that they assult china is to build the “Eastern Asia Co-glory circuits”(i don’t know is this translation is correct or not, sorry). they told their citizens they assult china to help chinese but what they actually did in china is destory and killing!
they kill so many lifes in nanking but that’s already history. we can jus hold it in our memory but at least we want japanese, especially the youth to know what is the real history.
We can imagine. If all youth in japan learned that all the killings they did is to help other countrys, when they grow up and became adults, when they became the majority in japan government. what will they do? will they just “help” china? “help” Russia? or even help “the USA”?
hopes thats will not come true.

so many have i said here
it’s all my personal opinions
and my english is poor hopes you don’t care:)
Thankyou and Danke
in china we say Thanks as Xiexie:)

Hey everybody
Why no one replys?

I was curious about how you think the Chinese of WW2 thought about Americans and how the Chinese think of Americans today. Dont worry about offending me (too much?) because ive heard just about everything. :smiley:

i think the chinese should thank the US for defeating the japanese, without american, the chinese could have lost the war

as for how chinese people see american today, i do not think most chinese actually hates american, but they do hate american government, who
-sell weapon to taiwan to prevent two places to become one country again.

-American government is implementing tax on chinese product would hurt china’s economy

-American’s plane has crashed on chinese migs, but still not apologize for that

this should be the reasons why chinese would hate american’s government
. Again, anti-american government does not mean anti-american
Thanks for reading

Keep this topic about WW2 Chinese. But feel free to start a Chinese Military topic in Off Topic - Militaria. You will see other topics like it. American, British and Argentinian. Would be interesting to see pics of the Modern Chinese Military. :smiley:

If you want I can move the above post and start it for you.