Churchill is quoted on CNN today

This has probably been posted at one time or another but since it made CNN today i figured i’d put it up just in case.

when isnt Winston qouted.

And your point being? How about contributing some insite, instead of smart ass comments. Maybe you’ll learn something. You see stupid replies like yours prevent others from contributing. Ever think of that? Oh hang on, you’ve been a member now for all of less than 24 hours,and have already made 23 posts, you must have all the answers, silly me.

There is alot of interesting infromation on these forums. Kind of hostile but seriously what I am to say to this, I hear people say his qoutes all the time, many of them ammusing. Sorry for disappointing you.

And your reply will have what effect on CDN3RD exactly? Pot, Kettle, send colour, over…

Something you may or may not find of interest, at the beginning of Aces High by Iron Maiden there is piece of Churchill’s speech.

We shall go on to the end.
We shall fight in France,
We shall fight on the seas and oceans,
We shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air.
We shall defend our island whatever the cost may be.
We shall fight on beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds,
We shall fight in the fields and in the streets.
We shall fight in the hills,
We shall never surrender.

You may have worked out by the name that the song is about ww2 dogfights.

And your reply will have what effect on CDN3RD exactly? Pot, Kettle, send colour, over…[/quote]

And getting into this you are helping the situation how???

Trying the same thing on me now? I’m quaking in my sandals.

And your point being? How about contributing some insite, instead of smart ass comments. Maybe you’ll learn something. You see stupid replies like yours prevent others from contributing. Ever think of that? Oh hang on, you’ve been a member now for all of less than 24 hours,and have already made 23 posts, you must have all the answers, silly me.[/quote]

AM_R.A.D.6th, much to my dissapointment, you just made a “smart ass comments”. :wink:

If you didn’t read so far, take a look:

Personally I enjoy this:

Remember to always treat others on the site with respect

Please let the “moderation” to the moderators.

CDN3RD_Canadian, please accept my apologies.

I accpect your appologies, and yes my post was some what smart assish, but I seriously ment there are alot of great qoutes from Churchill, infact there is a great book out there called The Wicked wit of Winston Churchill.

Here is a few qoutes from it.

" I am a sporting man. I always like to give trains and aeroplanes a fair chance of getting away."

A women came up to Churchill and declared her baby looked like him, he responded " Madam, all babies look like me"

At the age of 87 Churchill broke his thigh in a fall while in Monte Carlo. On his return to London, as he was being carried over the thresholh by an ambulance attendant, he exhorted him: " Not feet first,pleae!"