Clean Up

Not wanting to sound like Im banging my own drum as the Newbie here, I have just had a general clean up of the area I can get into right now. I moved a fair few topics into the archive. They were mainly very old or had nothing much to say, or were Bone Bluff-Cove posts that were trollish.

Let me know if you think I have moved any that should be returned as I did move a good few.


Yes good point…and at the end of this year we will have some spring cleaning to do. I will assign a forum to each mod for cleaning and the rules that go along with it. Then we will cap the archive room off with Archive 2004. That way we can keep things clear. This shouldnt take to long and we will annouce that the forum will be down for a couple of hours on one day. Clean things up for the new year.

But however please feel free to remove any topics that are ancient and have no interest in ages. Anything that is trolling or hasnt been posted on since june is good to go to the archive room IMO.

Ive cleaned up the war room. Just incase there was a topic you were looking for its in the archive room. There are still some things that can be moved but we can get them at a later date.

Well Im continuing to clean up the whole forum now that I have access to everything.

In the big rooms Im trying to archive posts before July as indicated. Ive also moved quite a few posts post July that I considered were not needed anymore. Ive also tried to move a lot of the Iron man conflict posts where I considered them detrimental to the forum. Let me know if you think there are any that should have stayed.

With the individual countries forums I have tried to leave a fair body of posts, like the Japanese ones that go beyond June. I did this to keep some bulk in there so that visitors see a good volume of posts as no-one wants to come to an empty forum.

I will continue to do this in my free time if that is acceptable.

Editted to add:

Does the Walther War Machines thread serve any purpose anymore? I know the last post was October though?

Your doing great. Walther war Machines was just to make fun of Ironman and since he is no longer allowed on the site it can go.

OK, Im on a rolling clean up now. When I go into an area I look at the last topics to see when the last post was. Then I think on how relevant it is to the site, for example does it contain good information, facts and figures etc. If not I then trawl through the individual posts to see if any contain good snippets.

I kind of had the idea to maybe open up a best of topic thread in every are where we could move good individual posts, listing websites etc or just good information. Is it possible to move individual posts though?


K regardless of what happens to mods we are going to need to give the forum a wee bit of a scrubbing. So here is the list. Firefly i know your still learning so please ask questions if you have a problem. Ill make an anouncement on the forum here in the near future so all the members will know. Just need to set somekind of date and time. Here is the list.

General WWII Discussion
The British Military
WWII Books

Off Topic - General
The American Military
WWII Websites

Other Military Units
Off Topic - Militaria
The Russian Military

WWII Games
The German Military
Site Feedback

Gen. Sandworm:
Admin’s and Mod’s - War Room
The Japanese Military
WWII Movies
Awards - Not much to clean up in here.[/b]

Let me know if you have any problems with this. Try to spread out the diffculty. Mainly we are just going to get rid of stuff that is not interesting anymore. Those can go to the archive room. Others may need to be moved to a different forum. Site feedback has to many anouncements and stickys. Alot of those we need but you have to scroll half way down the page to find out someone is just say hello. The hello im new stuff can go. Also if you think a thread just had to many pages and no one is really going to go back and read all that stuff…just knock it in half. Maybe keeping the 1st post. Also be on the look out for stuff that might seem uninteresting that might be interesting that we could just rename.

Anyhow get back to me on a good date and time. I think we should tell the members soon and do this within the next two weeks. Maybe next Wednesday the 14th of Dec.

Gen. No problem. I will get on mine as soon as possible. Ive also been doing a kind of rolling clear out as I visit the forum. Some of you may have noticed this. I finish work on 20 Dec, so could devote a whole day on 21-22.

But will be available next Wednesday for some of the time.

i cant do it before the 20th
i have finals to study, sorry

Next Wednesday during the day from time to time and a whole evening.

Otherwise I could do the clean-up before Christmas in the evenings or after Christmas all days.

I am off for 2 weeks at Christmas so could devote a good few days to it, when not drunk or fighting with the family!

:lol: :lol:

I’ll be on it ASAP General! :slight_smile:

Gen., I’ve completed a pretty general wipe of the three sections, I’ll go back and do it more selectively when I get the time.

Ive completed brit Mil. I kept a lot of topics that may be considered older on say the German topics, but I wanted to keep a bulk there to show we are active.

However I moved some of the bone posts into 3 new topics and then archived them.

I have also tried where possible to delete the odd smiley and ‘good post’ posts. Hope they dont get upset when their post-count dives a bit, but hey, they serve no purpose and all the members have been warned off about excessive trivia.

I dont think there is a need to shut the forum down, all we have to do is lock the topic and then do our stuff and then unlock again.

I am continuing in the general discussion area, it is taking a long time to sort the wheat from the chaff though.



I did the same with Off-Topic Militaria. In fact I started 2 hours ago and it is not finished yet.

Well I had a very slow day at work as there was no flying so I had almost all day to do it.

Dont tell the Queen! :wink:

Mission accomplished, Sir! :smiley:

Hardest part was on Off Topic - Militaria.

Gen or FW, please talk with ww2admin in order to add an “Archive 2005” section, and also to rename the current “Archive” section.

As I finished cleaning out my assigned areas (I left quite a lot on there for reasons of having something to read and make it look full) I can now help out in other areas too.

I have started to have a look at site feedback (no offence meant to FW, I’m just trying to help) and will look at any other topics as well.

I’d like to help as well. Maybe in this evening.

i will perform my duty tomorrow after i finish the test and have some playing time like i never before