Cold Whispers

Hi I just found this forum and I am really happy that I did. Here I will actually be able to get some good feedback from some war buffs for some of our vids that we have made and an upcoming one this summer. This winter my brother, a couple of his friends, and I did a trailer and short film over Bastogne and the hardships.

Now please stay with me since I live in Texas and snow is quite rare around these parts. So once we did receive snow we were out the door, throwing on our gear, and propping up a camera. This film Cold Whispers was shot in a 3 hr time frame w/o script and a sketchy storyline. And yes…the medic didnt do the steps in the right order even though we told him the steps before hand.

Anyways I hope you enjoy the trailer and short film and around late summer be sure to keep your eyes open for our next film.

Cold Whispers trailer

Cold Whispers

Oh and PS the guns were hand made. :smiley: