
Well I had an idea that might work and bring more fun in this forum, how bout some compitions. My idea is have like, I don’t know, maybe WW2 RTS games screenshot compititions or creative home made ww2 picture (using paint or any other program of any similar) compition or any others you guys can think. I think it would be fun, how bout you?

Spelled title wrong again, its spelled competitions. Sorry

That sounds realy fun! I hope the mods say jawohl.

B&W foto colouring is fun… you can use stuff like macromedia fireworks and fotoshoppe.

There’s this guy Lex from Russia posting photos he colorized in the photo section of the site. These pictures look awesome, the guy is really an artist. Haven’t got a clue how it works…

How about a spelling competition? :slight_smile:

Very good idea, but no one is allowed to spell words from his native language.

Actually Nick, how about speling competition in languages of your forums friends?
Bet you don’t know a single word in russian except you lovely Mother-Russia and Stalin:)The same about german i think…

First russian I learned was something my grandfather told me: Руки высоко! (ruky werch or so) meaning “hands up”. It was the first he learned in Russia in 1941…

This is actually the ''Руки вверх"/Rukie v verch -(hands up) .
Our soldiers also were studing the GErmans right in front, many learned from Germans pows.
The one of the first needed phrace for russians were sounding something like “Hendehoh” (Hands up) or “Shnell” ( be quick).
The civils of occuped cities have learned well the famous “Rusish shwaine”( russian pig)
In the 1944-45 the new phrases have comed for to use- “Hitler Kaput”, “Urr” ( Watch)and Froulen/Frau( madam)

I know some swear words!

In any case, I was speaking of natives that cannot spell their OWN languages, including myself…

You guys are way too uptight…

And I know just enough German that I might be able to learn it if I were immersed in Germany for a few months…

I think to know that the russians adopted the german word “Butterbrot” (something like a sandwich) in their common vocabulary.
You’re right, these were the common words of the germans to learn firstly back then: Rukie v verch, Idi ssuda!, karasho, dawai!, raboti!, Russki Soldat? Never mind the spelling though (-:

It’s “Hande hoch”, with an umlaut or diaeresis (= … ) above the a in Hande.

Spell it?

You’re struggling to speak it. :smiley:

Then again, what can we expect of a nation which broke away from the mother tongue because of the price of tea and has drunk cawfee ever since in protest, and has produced such nonsense as trunk where correct English is boot; hood for bonnet; train station for railway station; negatory for no; ‘at this point in time’ for now; and has county, city and state police competing for the same work which in primitive countries like England and Australia are done by one police force. :smiley: :wink:

As for spelling, what idiot calls a spelling competition a spelling bee?

You don’t hear of a Miss Universe competition being called a beauty bee or even a tit bee or a beaver bee, do you? No. Even if they should be. Or bee. :smiley:

Which leads me to the whole point of my carefully considered and highly informative post, which is that we should have a beauty competition, entitled the Beaver Tit Bee.

This will, for the first time in the history of beauty competitions, be open to beavers as well as tits (a type of bird), and bees.

By adding beavers to the birds and the bees, we shall help children better to understand awkward explanations beginning with the phrase 'When a man loves a woman very much … ’ :smiley:

Hey, I’m horrible at spelling.

I sound like I’m from New England, so yes, it is a wicked pisser when I speak!

Then again, what can we expect of a nation which broke away from the mother tongue because of the price of tea and has drunk cawfee ever since in protest,

Sorry we drink coffee in the morning instead of beer like the good folk of Melbourne. Well, actually, now you’ve done it! The combination of it being Friday, me eating salty corn chips, and just finishing a 3 mile run has now given me an extreme hankering for an Aussie beer like Coopers (which I can’t find unless I go boutique pub downtown).

and has produced such nonsense as trunk where correct English is boot;

Well then, do you wear trunks on your feet?

hood for bonnet;

Do you call your gansta’s bonnets then? I thought they were the Chavs pdf is always running from!

train station for railway station;

No one takes those things anymore anyways. Actually, that’s not true. Amtrak is now inundated with riders because we’re now getting the Euro gas prices…

negatory for no; ‘at this point in time’ for now;

I can’t say I hear that all that often…

and has county, city and state police competing for the same work which in primitive countries like England and Australia are done by one police force. :smiley: :wink:

LOL My town has two police forces (one for the “village,” the other for the whole town). This in addition to the county, state, and occasional federal police in the vicinity…

Yes, it is madness…

As for spelling, what idiot calls a spelling competition a spelling bee?

You don’t hear of a Miss Universe competition being called a beauty bee or even a tit bee or a beaver bee, do you? No. Even if they should be. Or bee. :smiley:

Which leads me to the whole point of my carefully considered and highly informative post, which is that we should have a beauty competition, entitled the Beaver Tit Bee.

This will, for the first time in the history of beauty competitions, be open to beavers as well as tits (a type of bird), and bees.

By adding beavers to the birds and the bees, we shall help children better to understand awkward explanations beginning with the phrase 'When a man loves a woman very much … ’ :smiley:

Well, apparently our beauty contestants would be more aptly called beaver-bees. Check out the denoued Ms. Nevada:

And she’s just one of many!

The British do have superior beauty queens, er, beaver bee cadets, or whatever though:


lets get back to the original idea…
Nick, lets do a WWII color drawing competition.
what do you think?

Um, I think Clave will own us all on that one!

wwii non-computr drawin then.:smiley:

You mean you sound like Katharine Hepburn?

That’s about the best English Americans speak.

Although, in your case, I think a slightly less-glass-cutting-than-Hepburn voice might help. :smiley:

There are no good folk in Melbourne

It’s full of Australians, fer Chrissake! :smiley:

Try Coopers Pale Ale, Cascade Pale Ale, James Squires’ anything … or have we had this discussion before?


Over my foot.

Well, it’s only six inches, but I like to tell people it’s a foot. :wink:

Trunks are Speedos are bathers are togs are what covers our foot, or six inches. Here’s me wearing mine when I was slightly younger, and less ripped. :smiley:

Only if you have no sense of self-preservation.

Not to mention campus police in universities, which adds an intellectual layer to your many layers of policing. :smiley:

Police generally keep out of universities here, in case they run into better educated people who are often dumber than most of our police. And that’s only the academics. (Or ‘faculty’ in American English. :wink: ) :smiley:

What a terrible waste.

She’d change her orientation if she walked a mile in my boots.

Or just tried going a foot in my trunks. :smiley: