Compulsary Military Training

what do you think about compulsary military training?

I believe a small country like Australia should have compulsary military training for around 6 months, i know in other countries like Greece they do…

and me being a Australian-Greek cant spend more then 3 months in Greece or else id be force to join the Greek army and do my service (that is up until the 3rd generation of Australian-Greeks)

I think that if you were on compulsory military training we wouldn’t have to put up with posts like this :wink:

Never was a truer word spoken in jest MoS !

I have worked with armies around the world that use varying degrees of National Service and have found that while generally the concept makes for a less professional approach than a volunteer force, conscription is on the whole extremely good for the individuals drafted in.
The weaker boys tend to grow stronger, the timid get more self-confidence and the so-called ‘hard men’ learn, (often the old fashioned way,) that there is ALWAYS someone bigger and harder than themselves !
The ‘I know everything’ attitude of seventeen/eighteen year old lads pretty soon gets knocked out of those concerned, and they learn that other people’s opinions not only have a place in discussions but are often more correct than their own.

I love Basics, it’s a great leveller !

I think that you should return to Greece and undergo compulsory Military training. As a Greek it is after all your duty.

This would accomplish many things. It will make a man of you! You will get to see the world. You will get to spend some time in Greece.

Alternatively, why not hand back your Greek passport, then you will only be Australian and cannot possibly be conscripted into a foreign military.

This happened to somoene I knew, he was A Scouse/Turk, one day he went to visit Turkey. Next time someone saw him was in Cyprus, on Stag as a Turkish soldier and not really enjoying his time.

Back on topic…

Anything under 18 months is a total was of time for the conscript and the army. It takes about 3 years to produce an effective infantry soldier. If conscription is about getting the young off the streets then OK, but give them something useful to do for 6 months, not pretending to be soldiers who dilute the effectiveness of volunteers. They spend their time counting down to endex and require a harsher discipline that is not suitable for volunteers. They are a drain on the countries resources and produce nothing in return.

Consider the situation, you as a professional soldier are up against conscripts who have been in training for 6 months. Would they be a problem? Would it be a case of turning live bodies into dead one very quickly? Do woman get conscripted in Greece? If not will EU law affect this?

When the Australians went to Vietnam the regulars were a little concerned that the conscripts may not prove able to do the job. The regs were very please with the conscripts who gave a good showing of themselves but they I thing did 24 months and were mixed with regs.

yes i do plan to do my military service in Greece and also spend a few years in the Australian army, patriot for both countries.

you weren’t banned?

banned for what?

oh wait!,i confussed you with fareast!!! :oops: :oops: :oops:

all apologizes my mate,i will never do this again :frowning:

lol, relax amigo, no prob

now tell me Erwin, is there compulsary military training in Argentina?

Mate,im bad at english :oops: ,what is/means the compulsary military training?

compulsary military training means that every male has to do military training

for example; in Greece when you turn 18, you have to do training for about a year or year and a half (not sure they always change it) in the Army, Navy or Air Force, so if Greece was to go to war, most of the males are capable of fighting

ohh,military service,it was abolished,in the 90s (in argentina).

now we have all volunteers.

im want again the compulsary military training in argentina,to make very guy a true man!,who serve to the country.
don’t kill me guys :slight_smile: .

do you have the webpage of the greek army mate?,thank you :smiley:


Βρέ! Δεν ήξερα!

I too am seriously thinking about it. However, note that it is more than likely that conscription for native Greeks will be reduced to 6 months ( :shock: ) and for Diaspora Greeks this will be reduced to 3 months ( :shock: )

Mate,im bad at english :oops: ,what is/means the compulsary military training?[/quote]

Like our British mates posted, it is about compulsory (not compulsary). :oops:

In Spain the “mili” (Compulsory Military Training which lasted between one and two years) was abolished in year 2000. Since 1985 (I’m not 100% sure of this date) it was not really compulsory, because you could say you were a “Conscience Objector” and do social services for the community instead of going to the Army.

Nowadays, the Spanish Army has a lack of men :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: No one wants to become a soldier here :lol: :lol:

compulsarily training in Australia , NO WAY, we are a free country to do what we wish… The most freed country on this evil earth. :smiley: 8)

I sign up for military training so if the Indonesians :x or another country attack Australia, most likely indonesia then i can defend my island home with military potential and knowledge. 8) 8)

Here is a good article describing the conscription system in Germany:
Conscription in Germany:

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Germany has mandatory conscription (“Wehrpflicht”) for men. Women may volunteer as professional soldiers and are allowed to perform the same jobs as men. A conscientious objector may petition for permission to do “civilian service” which is usually accepted. Overall, however, during the past few years, the number of men being drafted has declined significantly.

Save for a few exceptions, basic military service (“Grundwehrdienst”) is compulsory for all men between the ages of 18 and 23 years. Those who are engaged in educational or vocational training programs prior to their military assessment are allowed to postpone service until they have completed the programs and can be called upon to perform their national duty at any time thereafter.

The “Grundwehrdienst” consists of three month basic combat training and individual training, then six month service on the assigned post. The conscripted soldier will normally reach the rank of “Obergefreiter” (NATO code OR-3 “PFC”). During his service he gets free health care, housing, food and a railway ticket. Conscripts get paid about 9 EUR per day of basic pay plus several other pays such as distance-from-home pay, additional food pay etc. An Obergefreiter (month 6-9) would receive up to 600 euro per month as “pocket-money”. That is not the case for professional (voluntary) soldiers, who receive more pay. A conscript may extend his service by up to 23 months on a voluntary basis. If he does, he receives more pay and keeps all benefits, like free food etc., but he has to agree to go on an International Mission, e.g. ISAF, if needed. Normal conscripts will not be sent abroad without their permission. They will only defend Germany at the country borders. At the end of his service, the conscript will remain a reservist up to his 45th birthday. Professional soldiers, like NCO’s and officers, remain reservists up to their 60th birthday. The reservist may be drafted for military exercises (Wehrübungen) or in case of defense (Verteidigungsfall). So the “Grundwehrdienst” is only one component of conscription.

German law provides several options for conscientious objectors to perform alternative public service instead of a weapons-based military service. The conscientious objection is normally accepted without any problem, it is no longer required to state the request before a board. You just have to “write a letter”.

* The main alternative is the aforementioned "(alternative) civilian service" (Zivildienst) lasting for nine months, in which the objector may find employment with a civilian institution that renders a public service, such as a hospital, rehabilitation center or assisted living facility for the aged. After completing his nine month, the CO will remain as a kind of "civilian reservist", because he may be drafted in case of defence to serve in a hospital, fire dept., as Mine sraper etc.

* There is also the alternative service Ersatzdienst, in which the objector is required to serve in non-combatant, state-run institutions such as the Technical Aid Corps (Technisches Hilfswerk or THW), Voluntary Fire Department or other emergency assistance and crisis management agencies. He is obligate to serve for at least seven years (on part-time basis)in one of these institutions. As long as he serves, he will not be drafted. When he completes his seven year turn, he will not be drafted for basic civilian service ("Zivildienst"), but remains available in case of defence.

* The third alternative permitted by German law is for the objector to become a foreign "development helper" (Entwicklungshelfer), which means that the person will be expected to work in a technical capacity in a recognized "developing country" for a period of not less than eighteen months. To qualify for this option, the objector has to have completed formal vocational training or an educational program that grants a recognized qualification in a marketable skill making the objector a useful asset in a developing host country. The objector is responsible for personally making all of the arrangements in order to engage in this alternative service. Many objectors who chose this option, become so engrossed in the developmental needs of such countries that they stay abroad many years longer than the legal requirement. The disproportionately high percentage of German nationals found in many international aid, conservation, medical and technical assistance organizations active in developing countries may be directly attributable to this trend.

Another provision allows the third son of a family to be completely exonerated from military service, if his older brothers participated. Of course, voluntary enrollment is always possible.

The ongoing political debate over whether the German Federal Defense Force should be converted into a purely volunteer-based, professional army raises questions about the military draft policy. Since the current process selects an ever-decreasing numbers of men from each succeeding generation, conflicting views abound regarding the effect of the selection, both in terms of the overall quality of the force and the general fairness of the system. The final decision will most likely be informed by the enhanced or even reduced roles that such a new “army” would be expected to play in German society in the years to come.

Mind that if a person gets conscripted, who has dependents (being married, having children), the military will have to pay him the full soldier’s pay and not just the pocket money for normal conscripts.


Always liked the German system. I think it does a country good to have a bit of “give” from its citizens rather than all “take”. Would love to see a similar system in UK. Although not so military. We have a professional army so don’t really need body fillers!!!

One thing I like about Hitler aswell, although it is pretty much the only thing, was that he got the unemployed working. Might be a good way of ensuring the UK unemployed and state “sponsored” didn’t sit around all day watching Tricia!!! Or worse working cash in hand.