Compulsive bitching by failed mod ... fuck!!

Topic locked.
PK, when talking about a subject you know nothing about I STRONGLY suggest you stop acting like a cretin and listen to people who actually know what they’re talking about.

What is problem with PDF lately ? What is the reason to lock the mines topic ?

Where is the violence? were are the insults in that topic ? if you think i dont now nothing about…well…then just let the people who REALLY knows educate me.

I dont care for a milisecond if you think I am a cretin wathever that word means, I think is a lot more “cretin” to act as a pocket dictator and to lock a topic simply because is a bit of irony there, or maybe because you had a discussion with your girlfriend and you were in bad mood, after more than 5000 post you should know my stile of posting.

Calling Firefly here.

Do you realise that you are now making exactly the same sort of complaint that many members made against you when you were a mod?

Have you forgotten how prissy you could be about members using ‘fuck’ and other forms of vulgarity, about which when used judiciously for emphasis I couldn’t give a fuck?

I can understand your frustration in having a thread you were interested in closed, but it’s rather less bad and erratic than some of the rest of us experienced under your reign as a mod.

What it comes down to is: Do you think that current mods should treat you the same as you treated other members when you were a mod, particularly when you have repeatedly complained about the standard of modding having fallen since your resignation, or do you think that mods should give you special treatment which they don’t give to other members?

WOW!..I came to work tired with a hangover but this is interesting!!Shazam!

Gomer, you have gone up immeasurably in my estimation upon learning that you are drinker, and one who can get a hangover.

Keep up the good work! :wink: :smiley:

Wow…that brings back memories.:wink: Hadn’t heard that one in while!

Worse still I was channel surfing yesterday and up popped Gomer Pyle USMC. What a load of corn;)


Long Live Gomer Pyle!!!yeaaaaa!!!


Well, PK, since you’re so upset about it I’ve hit the “Report” button on this thread to ensure Firefly is emailed your concerns. Needless to say, I personally think they’re totally groundless.

Do you realise that you are now making exactly the same sort of complaint that many members made against you when you were a mod?

Have you forgotten how prissy you could be about members using ‘fuck’ and other forms of vulgarity, about which when used judiciously for emphasis I couldn’t give a fuck?

Perharps I am suffereing the same injustices that allegedly I commited agaist those members ( I dont remeber any but could be)

And my prissiness doesnt liked anybody, you included, why you worry about it now ? You should rejoice that I joined the club.

Dont come to me with vulgarity lessons, dont fit you well.

What it comes down to is: Do you think that current mods should treat you the same as you treated other members when you were a mod, particularly when you have repeatedly complained about the standard of modding having fallen since your resignation, or do you think that mods should give you special treatment which they don’t give to other members?

The standar of moderation are very poor and Pdf 27 is the worst sad exponent of that, never, never, never ever I saw in any forum before a Moderator changing the name of a topic and encouraging the banter/trolling. That is a good sample of “erratic modding”.

I never made a topic called “Falklands malvinas Flagging Match” my topic name a was "War crimes in Malvinas ?", the other was Pdf acting, in my view that attitute is such low that honestly I dont have enough english language knowledge to really express my feelings, is a coward, moronic, uninteligible, stupid, disturbing attitude, there is no explanation and there is no justification for that in the same way there is no justification for locking the Mines topic.

Well, PK, since you’re so upset about it I’ve hit the “Report” button on this thread to ensure Firefly is emailed your concerns.
Needless to say, I personally think they’re totally groundless.

Needless to say I already dont give a damn about any of your opinions but your continue sabotaging of my topics and the forum is really annoying.

I you are so messed up that cannont make your work as Moderator properly, well , take a couple of valiums and rest for 2 months, let other, less paranoic persons do the job.

I wasn’t criticising you for using vulgarity.

I was merely pointing out the inconsistency in you as a mod censoring vulgarity but since then using it when it suits you.

As for me, I haven’t changed a fucking bit in my attitude to vulgarity.

It appears that pdf27 has risen considerably in your estimation. You used to accord that honour to Firefly.

Can we take it that this constitutes your endorsement of pdf27 as suitable for appointment as SuperMod?

You need to visit more forums.

It’s rather better than your mod practice of deleting posts and threads which offended your unique and erratic standards.

Anyway, I don’t think your original thread title Compulsive topic locking…fuck !! accurately expresses your intent and the content of this thread, so I’ve taken the liberty of renaming it Compulsive bitching by failed mod … fuck!!

You need to visit more forums. And grasp that a bit of fun and diversion adds to the life of a forum, such as with pictures of soccer lovelies and Argentinian barbeques which you happily posted and which were well received.

That is demonstrably dishonest, as well as being just plain fucking stupid. As you well know, no current moderators tolerate trolls.

You might do well to recognise that trolling takes many forms.

No, it is just a good sample of your erratic thoughts on modding that doesn’t agree with your uniquely erratic modding standards.

There is considerably more justification for pdf27’s actions than there was for many of yours as a mod, and much more consistency in his actions than yours as a mod.

This field, being your contempt for all mods other than yourself, has been thoroughly ploughed over again and again since you resigned as a mod until it is less than dust. The field is barren. There is nothing new left to reveal by ploughing it again.

You’ve had a dream run criticising mods for all the faults you imagine they have, but the difference is that the mods under Firefly are a much more tolerant lot than you were in your intermittently dictatorial and erratic reign. You would have banned any member who made about you even a small fraction of the contemptuous comments you have made about mods since you resigned. And there are bugger-all boards that would have tolerated your childish and spiteful bullshit in that area. You would have been banned for life after your first whinge on most of them.

It is only the tolerant spirit under Firefly, which is the opposite of your dictatorial modding approach, which has allowed you to continue on this board, which tolerance and goodwill you have repaid by shitting on the moderation policy which allows you to continue to post. It just makes you look like a self-centred, arrogant, spiteful, and childish cunt who routinely bites the hand which feeds it.

If you are in any doubt about how isolated you are in your deluded belief that you are God’s gift to the board and modding and that anyone else shares your views, think back on how your great post-resignation revolution against the new regime failed to attract any followers.

As has been said to you several times before, although not as bluntly, accept the way things are or fuck off.

As you repeatedly express contempt for other members’ opinions which disagree with yours, even when they know what they’re talking about and you don’t, and as you find the forum really annoying, see my preceding sentence for guidance on the best way for you to deal with it.

That would be a good prescription for you.

Now, and you may find this strange in view of my strong comments above which are merely responding to your strong comments, as has been said on many other occasions I and others value your knowledge when you post on matters where you have great knowledge and we enjoy your banter and fun on off topic matters, and we’d like to see you continue to contribute.

But your unfounded and poisonous comments about moderators’ standards and performance have more than run their course, so it’s time to stop making a cunt of yourself by repeating them to no purpose.

If you want to stay here, accept things as they are and stop whingeing about things you can’t change, and which are acceptable to every member other than you.

To avoid any misunderstanding due to your claimed difficulties with English: The forum isn’t going to change to meet your requirements so, if you’re not happy with the way the forum is run, fuck off.

I agree with these sentiments totally. While it can be frustrating to have a thread closed, it also seems some make continual series of sarcastic comments designed more for irritating and thread-jacking, which after review of that thread, you are surely guilty of (PK). You seemed far less interested in learning and more interested in carrying on the mantle of a stupid War that’s been over for 27 years now…

If people started questioning your knowledge of all things panzer, you would have been severally irritated too, and most certainly would have either banned the poster or at least deleted the equivalent posts…

Anyway, I don’t think your original thread title Compulsive topic locking…fuck !! accurately expresses your intent and the content of this thread, so I’ve taken the liberty of renaming it Compulsive bitching by failed mod … fuck!!

Ah…is do it again. :rolleyes:

You need to visit more forums. And grasp that a bit of fun and diversion adds to the life of a forum, such as with pictures of soccer lovelies and Argentinian barbeques which you happily posted and which were well received.

My gallery is a topic that does not pretend to be serious or extremely accurate, that is why is in off-topic. All the topics in the F/M area are extremely serious, at list to me.

If you want to stay here, accept things as they are and stop whingeing about things you can’t change, and which are acceptable to every member other than you.

To avoid any misunderstanding due to your claimed difficulties with English: The forum isn’t going to change to meet your requirements so, if you’re not happy with the way the forum is run, fuck off.

I never, ever going to accept topic locked for nothing, or somebody calling me cretin for free just because I used irony, never, ever, ever.
If somebody doesnt like this kind of comments, wel…they should think twice before moddind bad.

I could be the nicest person of earth or the nastiest, that depend on the amount of respect I receive.

An by the way I have no intentions to leave the forum whatsoever, the wrong doers must leave, not me. If you really want that I leave ( honestly I dont think you really want :rolleyes: ) you should ban me for good.

If people started questioning your knowledge of all things panzer, you would have been severally irritated too, and most certainly would have either banned the poster or at least deleted the equivalent posts…

In this case other closed the topic in wich some member questioned my knowledge…logic on that…where is it?

Guys, I you went a bit too far with mobing Panzeknacker.
We are all boys here and it’s OK to be a bit spiky and hooliganish, but this is way too much.

And he’s a Lieutenant Colonel? How’d that happen? He’s nearly ready to take over the gov’t I suppose…:smiley:

All I can say is that Panze has got a lot of Balls!..We need good men like Him. Without Panze, the cat fights on this Forim would be mediocrae. Panze Rules!

I surrender: That was a good one! :mrgreen:

Blah blah blah blah…

All Mods from UK = Very Bad. All Mods from S America = Excellent. Heard it all before.

All of the Mods we have right now are the best team this site has had and they have the full backing of the Supermods.


…and they have the full backing from their fans…ME!..God Bless Our Mods!:smiley:

No offence meant here Herman, but this sucking up to Mods lark is getting boring, be yourself for a wee while.

I agree with the above.

That was unneeded, IMO.